If you grew up in the 90s, you must be familiar with Meteor Garden, right? After decades have passed, what do the actors look like now? Let's find out here!
Meteor Garden
If you grew up in the 90s, you must be familiar with Meteor Garden, right? After decades have passed, what do the actors look like now? Let's find out here!
Yuan Zi, Dao Ming Shi's fiancée, is played by actress Christine Ke, who is still active in the entertainment industry until now.
Qing He, played by Edward Ou, is not as lucky. Because he was involved in a theft case in 2009, his name is now unheard of.
Tainie, who plays Xiao You and is Shan Cai's friend, is still active in acting until now. In addition, she is also still active as a singer and has released albums.
Who doesn't know Shan Cai? Played by Barbie Hsu, this beautiful woman apparently took a break from the entertainment world and chose to become a housewife after marrying Wang Xiaofei in 2010.
Ken Zhu, who plays Xi Men in Meteor Garden, has been on a hiatus from the entertainment world for quite some time. He married a woman named Han Wen Wen in 2016, and his wedding was attended by Jerry and Vanness as well.
The mischievous and funny character Mei Zuo is played by Vanness Wu. This man is still active in the entertainment world even at the age of 41.
Hua Ze Lei, portrayed by Vic Zhou, is now 38 years old. He married actress Reen Yu in 2015 and they have a child.
Jerry Yan is now 42 years old. This is his current picture, which seems unchanged since his appearance in Meteor Garden in 2001.
Mpok Atiek underwent dozens of surgeries to remove silicone from her face. Now she looks naturally more beautiful!
80s singer, Iis Sugianto still looks beautiful and forever young. What does she look like? Let's find out.
Unexpectedly, after 13 years of being Raffi Ahmad's assistant, Merry decided to resign. Hearing that, everyone became sad, including Nagita Slavina. They were very close, as seen in these photos.
Here is a row of Agnez Mo's cool styles that are considered the most provocative. Curious about what the photos look like?
What does the old photo of Iis Sugianto, who is now summoned by KPK for the case of Money Laundering, look like? Let's find out.
The name Iis Sugianto is currently being discussed by the public because she is currently being summoned by the KPK for questioning.
Seraphina, daughter of Yasmine Wildblood and Abi Yapto, has just had a photoshoot with the theme of Princess Ariel from the film THE LITTLE MERMAID. Curious?
Comedian Doyok used to be successful in his time before deciding to retire from the entertainment industry. Long time no hear, let's take a look at Doyok's current life!
Not only good at cooking, Chef Arnold is also a man who loves his family very much.
The life of Vanness Wu and Arissa Cheo after divorce, they are free and really enjoy going on vacation.
Celebrating their 3rd wedding anniversary, Vic Zhou
Barbie Hsu's latest appearance after miscarrying, looking even more beautiful and romantic with her beloved husband.