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Remembering Unforgettable Moments in 'The Diary of a Wife', Antonio Blanco Once Got Angry Reading a 14-Page Dialogue

Remembering Unforgettable Moments in 'The Diary of a Wife', Antonio Blanco Once Got Angry Reading a 14-Page Dialogue Antonio Blanco gets angry © - SCTV's flagship soap opera titled Buku Harian Seorang Istri has reached episode 200. Throughout their involvement in this soap opera, there are many scenes that cannot be forgotten by the two actors of Buku Harian Seorang Istri, namely Antonio Blanco and Callista Arum.

Antonio Blanco said that during his involvement in the soap opera Buku Harian Seorang Istri, there are many scenes that he cannot forget. Especially, the recent episodes. This 21-year-old man still remembers very well that there was a scene where he had to read a dialogue for 14 pages.

"Episode 200 honestly has a lot, maybe the most memorable one for me is the recent one. Where I tell everything to Dewa, my biggest secret, that I am Alya's future wife. Honestly, the page was long, a total of 14 pages, and I was grumbling to myself and Lula was also there," recalled Antonio Blanco in a virtual interview, Thursday (8/7/2021).

1. Longest Scene

Callista Arum, who played Lula, witnessed Antonio Blanco performing the scene. The 17-year-old girl realized that the scene, which summarized the soap opera Buku Harian Seorang Istri, was the longest scene she had ever seen.

"It's true, I was waiting, but the dialogue just didn't seem to end. But the most memorable part for me was when Bu Nawang died," said Callista Arum.

"Yes, I summarized what happened in BHSI from episode one to 200. I summarized it all," continued Antonio Blanco.

2. Most Exhausting Scene

Agreeing with Callista Arum, there was another scene that Antonio Blanco couldn't forget while shooting Buku Harian Seorang Istri, which was when Bu Nawang died.

"Oh yeah, Bu Nawang died. Yeah, that was also because it required a lot of energy. Recently, what made it memorable was that I had 14 pages of monologue, talking to myself, and with one page, the dialogue was extremely long," said Antonio.

3. Learn a Lot During Shooting

Unlike Antonio Blanco, Callista Arum herself has her own impression during the shooting of Buku Harian Seorang Istri SCTV. The woman who is also a gymnast said that all scenes from Buku Harian Seorang Istri are considered the most memorable.

"There are so many, especially since this is my first time shooting, I learned all my acting from this soap opera, so everything is memorable for me. everything is a lesson for me, I learn while shooting," Callista Arum concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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