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Removed from Family Card, Bambang Pamungkas' Eldest Son Suspects Step Mother's Involvement - Mentions the Presence of Bribery

Removed from Family Card, Bambang Pamungkas' Eldest Son Suspects Step Mother's Involvement - Mentions the Presence of Bribery Bambang Pamungkas - Dewi © - Jane Abel, the eldest daughter of Bambang Pamungkas, has recently made a surprising confession. Abel admitted that her name has been removed from the Family Card.

Abel, who just found out, feels disappointed with her father's attitude. Considering that she has also been abandoned by her mother, Olga Archangela, who passed away.

When approached by the media, Abel provided the latest news. She mentioned that she is suspicious of her stepmother, Tribuana Tungga Dewi, who also played a role.

"According to the information from the neighborhood head, there was indeed involvement from Stepmother Tribuana. She was the one who instructed to submit it to the sub-district office to make a letter of recommendation for removal," said Jane Abel as quoted from detikcom.

1. Is there any bribe money?

Initially, Abel had a good conversation about this case with Bambang Pamungkas' family. However, his request did not receive a positive response and was rejected.

Abel suspects that the officer who handled the removal of his name from the family card (KK) was involved in cooperation with his father. Abel even mentioned that the officer was given bribe money.

"At that time, I also tried to mediate with the neighborhood chief, but he said he didn't want to involve Bambang Pamungkas' side. Then, the neighborhood chief also conveyed that 'I was instructed by Dewi's mother not to issue any letter. So, I was told to keep quiet,'" said Abel.

"That's also according to the neighborhood chief's statement, according to his statement, I casually talked about the money issue, then the neighborhood chief's wife said 'we don't accept it here, but all the money goes there,' referring to the neighborhood administration. So indirectly admitting that there is indeed money involved," he added.

2. Bad Relationship with Step-Mother

Furthermore, Abel admitted that his relationship with his mother is not good. This is because when Abel was a child, he allegedly said something hurtful to Tribuana Tungga Dewi.

He said it at the beginning of Bambang and Dewi's marriage. However, Bambang Pamungkas' eldest child has already apologized and didn't realize that his step-mother is still hurt until now.

"Yes, I apologize because I also don't remember. If she is still hurt and wants an apology until now," he continued.

Previously, Bambang Pamungkas was married to a woman named Olga Archangela. From that marriage, they were blessed with a child named Jane Abel. Bambang then allegedly had a secret marriage with Amalia Fujiawati. Currently, Bambang Pamungkas is married to Tribuana Tungga Dewi.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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