Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah Reportedly Failed to Get Married, Ashanty: Let's Just Pray
Rumors are circulating that Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah failed to get married. What does Ashanty think? - The relationship between Aurel Hermansyah and her boyfriend, Atta Halilintar, is reportedly not going well. In fact, there were rumors that their love story has ended.
With many rumors like that, Aurel finally spoke up. The eldest child of the Anang Hermansyah family only asked for the best prayers for herself and Atta.
"I always pray for the best, as long as we make an effort," said Aurel Hermansyah quoted from youtube Cumi-Cumi recently.
Aurel also said that, despite their efforts, they still pray. And she also asks for prayers from netizens so that their relationship can run smoothly.
"Praying and the prayers from netizens might be the ones that can make what we desire to happen smoothly," she said.
In addition, Aurel currently stated that she wants to focus on work first. Especially at her young age, work is still the main focus for Aurel and Atta.
"If we don't pray and don't make an effort, we won't succeed. So now, we pray and stay focused on work. Because both of us are still young and working individuals. That's why we need to keep our work going," said Aurel.
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