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Reported to be Close to Dul Jaelani, Tiara Idol: I Didn't Expect Him to Be That Good

Reported to be Close to Dul Jaelani, Tiara Idol: I Didn't Expect Him to Be That Good Dul Jaelani - Tiara Idol. © Santoso/Bayu Herdianto - Because they performed a duet on the grand final stage of Indonesian Idol X some time ago, Dul Jaelani and Tiara Anugrah were reported to be close. When asked about her relationship with Maia Estianty and Ahmad Dhani's child, Tiara answered shyly.

"Dul and I are just friends. Because when we met during the GR (rehearsal), it felt like being shy. Meeting with those artists always makes me shy, I don't know why, like a shy cat. I mean, I'm shy towards everyone," said Tiara during a press conference after the Result & Reunion of Indonesian Idol X at Studio RCTI+, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Tuesday (3/3) early morning.

1. The Figure of Dul Jaelani in Tiara's Eyes

Although they have just met, Tiara praised Dul Jaelani for being kind and friendly. She also felt very happy when Dul Jaelani invited her to collaborate in his vlog.

"I am very happy because I didn't know, I didn't expect that he would be that good, that humble, that open to me and I even appeared in his vlog," said the participant from Jember.

2. Given a Song by Dul Jaelani

Not only collaborating in the vlog, Tiara will also be given a song by Dul Jaelani. She hopes that all of this can happen.

"He previously mentioned that he would give me a song, I don't know, hopefully. Because he also wants to invite me to collaborate, hopefully it happens," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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