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Reported to Have Broken Up, Gisella Anastasia Posts Intimate Photo with Wijin

Reported to Have Broken Up, Gisella Anastasia Posts Intimate Photo with Wijin Wijin and Gisel (credit: Herdianto) - A few days ago, the romantic relationship between Gisella Anastasia and Wijaya Saputra or Wijin, became the center of attention for netizens. There were rumors circulating that they had problems and some even said that they broke up.

This was because both Gisel and Wijin posted their thoughts on social media, which made many people assume the worst. However, they denied these worries by posting an affectionate photo together.

1. Wijin Disturbs Gisel

Wijin initially uploaded a romantic yet funny photo on Insta Story. In the photo, Wijin appeared mischievous by disturbing Gisel, who seemed to be preparing for shooting or a photoshoot because she still had a large clip in her hair.

Gisel's expression was also funny. She had a scared yet cute face when Wijin pretended to scratch her face.

2. Mischievous Wijin

Gisel then reposted the photo on her Insta Story. The mother of Gempita added the caption, 'Accompanying mischief at work'.

It's great to see them still being close like this. Always happy for Gisel and Wijin!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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