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Revealed Before the Birth of God Bless, Apparently Achmad Albar Once Lived and Settled in the Netherlands Because of This

Revealed Before the Birth of God Bless, Apparently Achmad Albar Once Lived and Settled in the Netherlands Because of This Achmad Albar: Akrom Sukarya - When he was young, the vocalist of the band God Bless, Achmad Albar, once lived and settled in the Netherlands for several years. There must be a specific reason that required the man affectionately called Iyek to live in the land of windmills.

Apparently, because of the G30S PKI incident that heated up the situation in Indonesia at that time, it became Achmad Albar's reason to go to the Netherlands. He also shared his journey while living there.


1. First Recording

Achmad Albar recounted that he did his first recording in the Netherlands.

“At that time, my mother sent me to the Netherlands, after the G30S PKI incident. She sent me because she was afraid, because the situation in Indonesia at that time was not good,” Achmad Albar revealed in a virtual interview session, Thursday (2/11).

“I made friends with Indonesians who were studying music in the Netherlands. And there, I entered a recording studio for the first time. My first recorded song in the Netherlands made it to the charts there. Alhamdulillah, I was quite busy there,” he continued.


2. Waiting for Stable Conditions

After Indonesia's situation started to stabilize following the G30S PKI incident, Achmad Albar returned to Indonesia. It was also at that time that he invited one of his friends, Ludwig Lemans, to make music together.

As time went by, God Bless was born and became a legendary rock music band in Indonesia until now.

“At the end of 1972, I returned to Indonesia with my guitarist who also has Indonesian blood. He was born there (in the Netherlands), but he really wanted to go to Indonesia to find out about his parents' homeland. His name is Ludwig Lemans. He was one of the people who formed God Bless,” he concluded.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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