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Reza Rahadian Writes Thank You Letter on His Birthday for Family, Friends, and Fans

Reza Rahadian Writes Thank You Letter on His Birthday for Family, Friends, and Fans Reza Rahadian Writes Thank You Letter (credit: instagram/officialpilarez) -

Talented actor Reza Rahadian just celebrated his birthday on March 5, 2025. Unlike most celebrities who throw lavish parties, Reza chose a more personal way to celebrate his special day.

Instead of celebrating with grandeur, he wrote a long letter expressing gratitude to those who have supported him all this time. The letter was handwritten before it was finally posted on his personal Instagram, @officialpilarez.

The letter began with a meaningful sentence, “To my family, dear friends, and not to forget my beloved Pilarez. Thank you for the prayers, hopes, and beautiful words that are so meaningful, touching the depths of my heart and soothing my soul.”

1. Thank You Letter on Birthday

Through his letter, Reza Rahadian wants to express his heartfelt gratitude to his loved ones. With his distinctive handwriting, he pours out his feelings in a string of touching words.

This letter serves as proof that for Reza, the birthday moment is not just a celebration, but also a reflection on his life journey. He feels grateful for all the prayers and support he has received from family, friends, and even his fans.

2. Thank You Message for Mother

The first person mentioned in the letter is his mother. Reza expresses deep gratitude for the love she has given him since birth.

“To my beloved mother, thank you for bringing me into this world, raising me with endless love & affection,” he writes.

For Reza, his mother is the main pillar in his life. He feels very grateful to have grown up with the guidance and love of a mother who has always been there for him.

3. Returning the Prayer to Friends

In addition to his mother, Reza also expressed his gratitude to his friends who always support him and offer their best prayers for him. He feels fortunate to be surrounded by sincere people who are always there in both joy and sorrow.

"Friends who are always there, may all good prayers return to everyone, and may they be granted in every form of journey," he wrote in the letter.

Reza not only receives prayers but also reciprocates them with the hope that his friends are always granted smoothness in everything.

4. Best Wishes for His Friends

Reza also did not forget to thank his friends from various backgrounds who have given him good wishes and prayers on his special day. He realizes that their presence is very meaningful in his life journey.

"Friends from various backgrounds, thank you for the wishes and kind words. Best prayers for all of you," he expressed.

For Reza, every friendship has its own meaning, and he hopes that the kindness they have given will return to them in a more beautiful way.

5. Not Forgetting the Fans Who Always Support

Not only family and friends, Reza also expressed his gratitude to his fans known as Pilarez. For him, fans are an important part of his career journey as an actor.

"Pilarez, hello to everyone. You are amazing. The spirit and encouragement also always make me want to make you proud through works that can be enjoyed. Thank you for the prayers and love from all of you," he wrote.

The post was immediately met with enthusiasm from the fans. The comments section was filled with birthday wishes and various prayers and good hopes for him.

6. What is the reason Reza Rahadian wrote a letter on his birthday?

Reza chose to write a letter as a form of appreciation and gratitude to the people who have supported him all this time.

7. Who is mentioned in Reza Rahadian's letter?

Reza expressed his thanks to his mother, friends, and fans (Pilarez).

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Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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