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Safe from Fatal Accident, Latest Portrait of Vanessa Angel's Late Child and Aunt Ardiansyah who Have Started Smiling Again

Safe from Fatal Accident, Latest Portrait of Vanessa Angel's Late Child and Aunt Ardiansyah who Have Started Smiling Again

Celebrity Children

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Safe from Fatal Accident, Latest Portrait of Vanessa Angel's Late Child and Aunt Ardiansyah who Have Started Smiling Again

The fatal accident experienced by Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah still leaves a deep impact on many people's hearts. Vanessa and Aunt Bibi took their last breath and left their child alone. Previously, Vanessa's late child was immediately taken to the hospital after the accident. Now the family has come to pick up their child with a full emotional moment.


Fuji, Bibi Ardiansyah's sibling, visited the hospital tonight to pick up Vanessa and Bibi's late child.


Tom Liwafa, Crazy rich Surabaya who also helps take care and is happy to see their family finally able to meet.


Vanessa's child is seen starting to talk and laugh a lot when meeting her aunt.


"Baby shark is strong," Fuji writes in Insta Story.

Safe from Fatal Accident, Latest Portrait of Vanessa Angel's Late Child and Aunt Ardiansyah who Have Started Smiling Again

Although the bruise still needs a lot of treatment, this 1-year-old child looks cheerful and is willing to interact.


May you grow up to be a strong and successful child in the future. The prayers from your late parents will always accompany every step you take, dear.

Safe from Fatal Accident, Latest Portrait of Vanessa Angel's Late Child and Aunt Ardiansyah who Have Started Smiling Again

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