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Sandra Dewi Denies Being Afraid to Leave the House After Harvey Moeis Becomes a Suspect: Admits Reducing Activities Outside

Sandra Dewi Denies Being Afraid to Leave the House After Harvey Moeis Becomes a Suspect: Admits Reducing Activities Outside Credit:© Akrom Sukarya - Actress Sandra Dewi admits that since her husband, Harvey Moeis, was arrested in connection with the PT Timah corruption case, her activities in the entertainment world have been disrupted. Moreover, the mother of two children has to undergo examination as a witness in the case.

"Of course, this case hampers his daily activities. Because his concentration is divided," said Harris Arthur, his lawyer in Kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta, on Thursday (16/5/2024).

1. Deny That Sandra Dewi Is Afraid to Leave the House

Harris Arthur denies that since the case, Sandra Dewi is afraid to leave the house. But indeed Sandra Dewi has also reduced activities outside the house and is more focused on her children.

"She is not afraid (to leave the house), but she has reduced activities outside the house. Yes, taking care of the children," said Harris Arthur.

2. Don't Know Husband's Involvement

Regarding the case involving her husband, Sandra Dewi admitted that she did not know about Harvey Moeis' involvement, her husband. Before getting married, Sandra Dewi and Harvey were busy with their respective activities.

"Absolutely did not know. As I often say, Mr. Harvey and Mrs. Sandra were both entrepreneurs before. Before they got married, they were already entrepreneurs. So Mrs. Sandra was busy with her activities, and Mr. Harvey was busy with his business," she concluded.

3. Harvey Moeis Participates in Facilitating Illegal Mining

As reported, the Indonesian Attorney General's Office announced Harvey Moeis' involvement in a corruption case related to the tin commodity trade in the PT Timah Mining Business License or IUP area on Wednesday (27/3/2024).

After undergoing an examination, it was revealed that between 2018 and 2019, Harvey Moeis was said to have participated in facilitating illegal mining activities in the PT Timah IUP area as an extension of PT RBT. Harvey's role was to find partners for the rental of tin smelting equipment in these illegal mining activities.

4. Harvey Moeis Officially Becomes a Suspect

Harvey Moeis is also responsible for collecting profits from each partner and then delivering them to PT Timah. The activities carried out by Harvey are still connected to another suspect, Helena Lim.

Harvey Moeis has now been officially declared a suspect and immediately detained after undergoing an examination. He is charged with Article 2 paragraph (1), Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of the Corruption Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) clause 1 of the Criminal Code for involvement in illegal mining practices at PT Timah.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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