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Shandy Aulia Rides Horses with Claire Like Angels, Netizens Focus on Her Flip Flops

Shandy Aulia Rides Horses with Claire Like Angels, Netizens Focus on Her Flip Flops Shandy Aulia and Claire (credit: - Shandy Aulia is a mother who always wants to spend moments with her beloved daughter. Especially since Claire is a cute and smart little girl.

Through her Instagram, Shandy often shares special moments with her daughter that make her followers adore them. Recently, Shandy took Claire for a ride on a white horse together.

1. Funny Riding Horses

In the photo, Shandy and Claire are both wearing white dresses. Although still young, Claire looks so happy to ride a horse on the beach with her mom.

Besides Claire's happiness and her mom's beauty, there's one thing that some netizens are focusing on. It's none other than the sandals worn by Shandy.

2. Sandal that Makes You Salfok

Anggun wears a dress, while Shandy combines her appearance with flip-flops. The color is not white but pink. Nevertheless, there is one netizen who says Shandy still looks like an angel even when wearing flip-flops.

Flip-flops are indeed comfortable to wear, especially at the beach. Moreover, if someone beautiful like Shandy Aulia wears them, she will always look charming no matter what. Agree, right?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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