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Sheila Dara Aisha's Birthday, Vidi Aldiano Gives a Sweet Surprise

Sheila Dara Aisha's Birthday, Vidi Aldiano Gives a Sweet Surprise Vidi Aldiano and Sheila Dara Aisha (credit: instagram @vidialdiano) - Through Instagram, Vidi Aldiano uploaded a photo of the moment he gave a sweet surprise to his girlfriend, Sheila Dara Aisha, who just celebrated her birthday.

The surprise received by the actress who played Aurora in the movie Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini made her smile happily on her 28th birthday.

1. Say Happy Birthday

Vidi Aldiano posted 3 slide photos. In the first photo, they are looking at each other with smiles. With a background that says Happy B'Day Sheila and lots of flowers and balloons, they look harmonious.

Not only that, Vidi also wrote a birthday message to Sheila in the caption of his post.

"Cheers to many more years of happiness. Happy birthday once again, Ai", wrote the short message in Vidi's caption.

2. Attended by Adinda Thomas

In the next photo, Sheila's birthday celebration was also attended by the beautiful artist Adinda Thomas.

Besides Adinda Thomas, there were also two of her friends who joined in celebrating Vidi Aldiano's girlfriend's birthday.

Happy birthday Sheila Dara Aisha, may you have a long life, always be filled with happiness, blessings, health, and may your wishes come true soon, amen.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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