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Showing Affectionate Kisses, 8 Moments of Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag's Honeymoon - Also Inviting El Barack

Showing Affectionate Kisses, 8 Moments of Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag's Honeymoon - Also Inviting El Barack


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Showing Affectionate Kisses, 8 Moments of Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag's Honeymoon - Also Inviting El Barack

Happiness is currently being felt by Jessica Iskandar. After recently marrying Vincent Verhaag, her face now looks much brighter.

After getting married, Jedar and Vincent decided to have a short staycation. Of course, both of them also brought along El Barack Alexander, Jedar's only child. What does this warm moment of the small family look like?

Showing Affectionate Kisses, 8 Moments of Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag's Honeymoon - Also Inviting El Barack

Jessica Iskandar finally officially married Vincent Verhaag. Their love story immediately became the center of attention for netizens.


Starting from being friends, no one expected that they would eventually get married. Vincent also loves El Barack very much.

Showing Affectionate Kisses, 8 Moments of Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag's Honeymoon - Also Inviting El Barack

After officially becoming husband and wife, Vincent and Jedar seemed to enjoy their time staycationing in the Island of the Gods.


They were seen showing off their affectionate kisses that successfully made netizens emotional. Truly the couple of the year!


During their honeymoon, Vincent also took Jedar's beloved son, El Barack, with them.


They were seen at a diving shop, choosing some equipment for diving. El seemed to be very close to Vincent.

Showing Affectionate Kisses, 8 Moments of Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag's Honeymoon - Also Inviting El Barack

Vincent previously said that he didn't want to leave El Barack alone even though it was their honeymoon with his beloved wife.


El Barack finally found a wise father figure in Vincent. What do you think, KLovers?


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