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Showing Affectionate Photos with New Girl, Keenan Pearce Says Goodbye to His Wife - Already Divorced?

Showing Affectionate Photos with New Girl, Keenan Pearce Says Goodbye to His Wife - Already Divorced? Keenan Pearce © - Keenan Pearce's marriage to Ghyan, which has never been heard of any negative news, suddenly became the center of attention after Pevita Pearce's brother posted on Instagram. Through his personal account, Keenan uploaded an affectionate photo with a woman.

In the caption of his post, Keenan bid farewell to his wife, Ghyan. He also wrote that love has won in his post.

"Thank you Ghyan, welcome Serene. Today, love wins," wrote Keenan.

1. Keenan Closes Comment Column

Not only uploading photos together on the feed page of his personal account, Keenan also uploaded several photos of Serene on Insta Story. He referred to the beautiful woman as the queen.

This post by Keenan immediately sparked discussions on various social media platforms. However, not on Keenan's account, because he closed the comment column.

2. Already Divorced?

Various questions arose regarding Keenan's post. The most common question is about the status of his marriage to Ghyan, who has already been blessed with one child.

Have Keenan and Ghyan officially divorced? One thing for sure, Ghyan's photo is no longer on Keenan's Instagram account, and vice versa. In Pevita's post when she uploaded moments with Keenan's child, Ghyan's figure has not been seen for a long time.

Is it true that Keenan and Ghyan have separated? As of the time this news is published, is still trying to obtain further information.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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