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So that Her Child Can Join Shopping, Maya Septha Looks for an Empty Supermarket

So that Her Child Can Join Shopping, Maya Septha Looks for an Empty Supermarket Maya Septha (credit: instagram) - Maya Septha finally went out shopping for her needs. However, she was not alone, she was accompanied by her child. Yes, Maya Septha took her child shopping at a quiet supermarket in front of her house.

"Ibu Davinka is shopping, early in the morning taking the little one to the supermarket in front of the house so it's empty", wrote the caption in her Instagram post a few days ago.

1. Mengaku Bahagia

Maya Septha admits to being happy to see her child participate in shopping. While shopping and going to the supermarket, Maya feels sorry for her child because their entertainment is limited during this pandemic.

"I really want to see him happy, pushing the mini trolley. The happiness of a child is the happiness of a parent." she added.

"Don't worry, of course, I have wiped the trolley with antiseptic first. It's pitiful that Corona Baby's entertainment is limited. Just going out for 5 minutes already makes him happy. He rarely goes anywhere." she added.

2. Hope for a Return to Normal

Not only that, Maya also expressed her hope for life to return to normal quickly and for the pandemic to pass. And she also expressed her gratitude that there is food in her house.

"Hopefully this pandemic will quickly pass so that children can have a normal and healthy life. Not just through gadgets and staying at home all the time." Maya wrote her hopes and prayers.

"BTW. Today I feel very grateful that the children are healthy. I am grateful that there is always food on the table. I am truly grateful." she continued.

3. Praying

In addition, Maya also prays to always be given health, long life, and fortune for everyone. With that, Maya also continues to follow the government's regulations by following health protocols.

And Maya also continues to #RememberMother'sMessage by washing hands with soap, wearing masks, and maintaining distance from crowds.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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