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Stay Strong While Holding Back Tears, 15 Pictures of Marshanda Revealing Her Breast Tumor - Currently Undergoing Treatment in Singapore

Stay Strong While Holding Back Tears, 15 Pictures of Marshanda Revealing Her Breast Tumor - Currently Undergoing Treatment in Singapore


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Stay Strong While Holding Back Tears, 15 Pictures of Marshanda Revealing Her Breast Tumor - Currently Undergoing Treatment in Singapore

Unpleasant news came from Marshanda who recently revealed that she has a breast tumor. The full name owner, Andriani Marshanda, conveyed this news through a live Instagram and a video uploaded on YouTube on Monday (30/5/2022). Let's take a look at the complete story.


Without further ado about announcing her breast tumor, Marshanda doesn't want to make the public worry about her condition.


Marshanda herself admits that she is not afraid of what will happen next, although sometimes she feels pain in her breasts.


"If I die after doing this live, it's okay," Marshanda said while holding back tears. However, Marshanda is not resigned to her condition.


Therefore, this mother of one child flew to Singapore as a form of struggle to fight against the tumor she has.


To find out more about her health condition and life expectancy in facing the tumor, Marshanda will undergo an MRI in Singapore.


It turns out that Marshanda's condition is not sudden. It is said that this woman, born on August 10, 1989, has been suffering from breast tumor for a year.


On the other hand, Marshanda has prepared herself to face the worst situation. For Marshanda, death is not something to be afraid of.


She believes that there will be a better life waiting for her if it is God's will for her life to be short-lived.


Through her video, Marshanda reveals the things she wants to do while she still can. One of them is to meet her father.


Marshanda wants to have a reunion and apologize to her father. Marshanda's message to her father is to learn to let go.


Marshanda also sends a message to her only daughter, Sienna, not to be sad if she really 'leaves'.


Furthermore, Marshanda expressed her gratitude to Ben Kasyafani and Sienna's stepmother who now have a good relationship with her.


"I love them so much, I also thank Ben and Ines because you love our child," she said.


Not forgetting, Marshanda apologizes to the people she has hurt in her life.


Marshanda also asks for prayers and positive energy to be healed. Hopefully, Marshanda recovers quickly and returns to good health as before.

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