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Stevianne Agnecya Reveals the Secret to Her Beautiful Face and Ideal Body, Regular Exercise Despite Not Dieting

Stevianne Agnecya Reveals the Secret to Her Beautiful Face and Ideal Body, Regular Exercise Despite Not Dieting Stevianne Agnecya (Credit: Special) - Beautiful and having an ideal body, those two words describe the figure of former wife Samuel Rizal, Stevianne Agnecya or often called Stevi. Although she already has three children, Stevi is good at taking care of her face and body to still look attractive.

She doesn't deny that every woman who wants to look beautiful and have an ideal body must be achieved with maximum effort. In addition, determination and intention from within oneself also become the key.

1. Increasing Cardio

One of the ways she does is by exercising. She prefers to do more cardio to stay healthy.

"I do simple exercises, mainly cardio. In the gym, I usually do treadmill and occasionally pilates. If I'm lazy to go to the gym, running around the housing complex is also very good," said Stevi when met in Jakarta, recently.

2. Not on a Diet

Unlike what women often do for dieting, Stevi admitted that she doesn't do it. Eating healthy food and exercising is enough for her to maintain her body.

"Every person's body is different. But I don't diet, I just eat healthy food. I do a lot of exercise. Maybe you don't need to follow this. Because, as I said earlier, every person's body is different," said the woman who is usually called Stevi.

3. Skin and Hair Care

For skin and face, Stevi also uses skincare products. "Of course, beauty products. From facial skincare, hair care, body lotion, and slimming. Besides that, I also balance it with eating healthy food and vitamins," she said.

Recently, she and her husband, Anggie Pratama, also launched a beauty product. Her Stev Skincare brand releases cosmetics, skincare, hair tonic, lotion, and weight loss products.

4. Remember Mother's Message

"It's only been a week since it was released, but thank God it's already sold out 5,000 packs," he said.

Continuing to exercise to maintain health like Stevi is certainly very important during the pandemic. In addition, make sure to always #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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