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Still 14 Years Old, 10 Portraits of Raihana Zemma, Sahrul Gunawan's Beautiful Daughter - She has a Plump Body

Still 14 Years Old, 10 Portraits of Raihana Zemma, Sahrul Gunawan's Beautiful Daughter - She has a Plump Body

Celebrity Children

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Still 14 Years Old, 10 Portraits of Raihana Zemma, Sahrul Gunawan's Beautiful Daughter - She has a Plump Body

Sahrul Gunawan has a daughter from his marriage to Indriani Hadi named Raihana Zemma, who is now 14 years old. Not often highlighted by the media, let's take a look at Zemma's beautiful portraits below!

Still 14 Years Old, 10 Portraits of Raihana Zemma, Sahrul Gunawan's Beautiful Daughter - She has a Plump Body

Here are portraits of Zemma, Sahrul Gunawan's growing daughter. Her beautiful appearance doesn't come as a surprise to netizens, as both of her parents are known for their good looks.


In Sahrul Gunawan and Indri's marriage in 2007, they were blessed with 3 children, one of whom is Zemma, born in 2006. Zemma is now 14 years old.


Sahrul Gunawan and Indri decided to divorce in 2016. Although eventually Sahrul lived separately from his children, they still have a close relationship.


One of them is with their second child, Zemma. Sahrul Gunawan often shows off their closeness and spends a lot of time together.


Some time ago, Sahrul Gunawan's children went on vacation to South Korea. Ezzar Raditya Gunawan, Raihana Zemma Gunawan, and Faeyza Mikail Gunawan were very happy to have quality time with their father.


Here are the beautiful and enchanting photos of Zemma wearing hanbok. Zemma also captured the moment by taking photos in front of Gyeongbokgung Palace. So, do you want to go on vacation too?


In everyday life, Zemma is very stylish like a young person of his age. He often captures various activities while hanging out.

Still 14 Years Old, 10 Portraits of Raihana Zemma, Sahrul Gunawan's Beautiful Daughter - She has a Plump Body

At the age of 14, Zemma still dresses up like a teenager. She doesn't look childish, this light makeup already makes her look charming.

Still 14 Years Old, 10 Portraits of Raihana Zemma, Sahrul Gunawan's Beautiful Daughter - She has a Plump Body

Although she is not involved in the entertainment industry, Zemma often uploads her beautiful photos on her personal Instagram. She even has 5 thousand followers.


At this age, she is already very charming. I wonder if Zemma has ever thought of entering the entertainment industry like her father?