Kapanlagi.com - The love stories of celebrities often attract public attention. Whether they are still dating or already married, their love stories are often in the spotlight. Including these young celebrities who are known to be close to their future in-laws even though they are still special friends.
Entering young age, it is common for many of them to start romantic relationships with special friends. This is also experienced by several Indonesian celebrities who have special friends, and some of them have openly revealed their relationships to the public.
Interestingly, even though they are still in the stage of getting closer or dating, these celebrities already seem very familiar with their future in-laws, whether they are siblings or siblings-in-law of their partners. The closeness between celebrities and their future in-laws is often shared through their personal Instagram accounts, which successfully capture public attention.
Curious about who they are? Let's take a look at some of the reviews below, KLovers.
1. Aurel Hermansyah

(credit: Instagram.com/aurelie.hermansyah/)
The eldest daughter of Anang Hermansyah and Krisdayanti, Aurel Hermansyah is known to be in a romantic relationship with Atta Halilintar. Their relationship, which started from a collaboration on YouTube content, seems to be getting more serious with the sweet ring on each of their fingers.
Aurel Hermansyah is even very close to her future in-laws, Atta Halilintar's siblings, as seen in several moments shared on her personal uploads. Not only that, some time ago, Aurel Hermansyah's family also went on vacation together with Atta Halilintar and Thariq Halilintar to Central Java. Their closeness is already like a family, being familiar with each other.
2. Atta Halilintar

(credit: Instagram.com/aurelie.hermansyah/)
Similar to Aurel Hermansyah, Atta Halilintar is also very close to Aurel's siblings. In fact, the closeness with his future in-law is like that of a sibling. Various moments of togetherness are often shared through their personal Instagram accounts, including this picture. Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar already seem to be a perfect match for marriage because they are close to each other's families. It's very sweet and warm, isn't it, KLovers?
3. Aisyah Aqilah

(credit: Instagram.com/athallanaufal7/)
Beautiful celebrity Aisyah Aqilah is known to be in a romantic relationship with Verrell Bramasta's younger brother, Athalla Naufal. Although they were rumored to have broken up some time ago, it turns out that they are still seen affectionate like the posts on their respective personal social media accounts. Recently, Athalla Naufal even gave a luxurious gift to his beloved, a car that caught public attention.
Having been in a relationship for 2 years, Aisyah Aqilah is quite close to Athalla Naufal's family. This includes his mother and his sibling, Vania Athabina. Their closeness is like their own family, often spending time together.
4. Jeremie Moeremans

(credit: Instagram.com/megandomani1410/)
Jeremie, the younger sibling of the beautiful artist Aurelie Moeremans, is known to be in a special relationship with Megan Domani. Various moments of togetherness between the two are often shared through Jeremie's personal Instagram account, successfully capturing public attention.
Furthermore, Jeremie was recently seen attending a family dinner event with Megan Domani. Jeremie Moeremans, who is now starting to enter the entertainment industry, also seems to be close with his future brother-in-law, Bryan Domani. Both of them captured their moments together, as shown in this photo, very compact, right?
Not only that, Bryan also brought his special friend, Mawar Eva de Jongh, to the family birthday event. Although they have not officially confirmed their relationship, Eva's presence at the family event further strengthens the public's perception of their relationship.
5. Sheryl Sheinafia

(credit: Instagram.com/sherylsheinafia/)
Building a romantic relationship with talented singer Vidi Aldiano's younger brother, Sheryl Sheinafia, seems to be close to Vidi. In fact, they support each other as seen from their posts on their personal social media accounts.
Although the public initially thought that Vidi and Sheryl had a special relationship, it turns out that Sheryl is actually in a relationship with Vidi's younger brother, Vadi Akbar. They don't share much about their romantic relationship on their personal social media accounts.
6. Zoe Abbas Jackson

(credit: Instagram.com/ammarzoni/)
Beautiful artist Zoe Abbas Jackson is also known to be in a romantic relationship with Ammar Zoni's younger brother, Aditya Zoni. Apparently, they have been dating since 2018 and now they are even more affectionate and often show their romance on their personal social media accounts.
Zoe Abbas Jackson is even seen to be close with her future in-laws, Ammar Zoni and Irish Bella, as shown in this photo. They collaborate on their personal YouTube channel and show their closeness.
7. Laura Abbas Jackson

(credit: Instagram.com/seanivan08/)
Just like Zoe Abbas Jackson, Laura is also known to have a special relationship with the younger sister of Irish Bella, namely Sean Ivan de Beule. Laura is also seen to be familiar with her future sister-in-law, Irish Bella, as seen in this picture. Laura attended Irish Bella's surprise birthday party some time ago in a lively manner.
So those are 7 celebrities who are already close to their future in-laws even though they are still dating, like their own family, not just fans?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.