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Christi Colondam's Story of Comeback to the Entertainment World After a Long Hiatus, Turns Out Thanks to Miss Celebrity Indonesia

Christi Colondam's Story of Comeback to the Entertainment World After a Long Hiatus, Turns Out Thanks to Miss Celebrity Indonesia Christi Colondam, runner-up 2 of Miss Celebrity 2012 (Credit Photo: KapanLagi/Akrom Sukarya) - For the 90s generation, a song titled Bagi Dua must be familiar to the ears. The children's song went viral in its era after being performed by a child singer named Christi Colondam. Now, many KLovers must be wondering, how is Christi doing now?

Apparently, the woman who is now 30 years old is still consistently working in the entertainment industry of the country. However, Christi herself admitted that she took a long hiatus from the entertainment world in the past because she wanted to focus on continuing her education.

So, what made Christi finally decide to make a comeback to the entertainment world? The answer is the talent search event Miss Celebrity Indonesia organized by SCTV. Find out the complete story below.


1. Stepping Stone for Christi Colondam

In 2011, when Christi was still in college, she was interested in participating in the talent search event Miss Celebrity. After registering and auditioning, she stopped at the top 10 regional round, precisely in Ambon.

However, that didn't discourage Christi from trying again. A year later, Christi participated in Miss Celebrity 2012, of course with better preparation than before. As a result, she successfully passed the audition and eventually emerged as the Runner Up 2.

At that time, Miss Celebrity 2012 was won by Aisyah Maharani from Medan. Nevertheless, Christi successfully obtained the title 'Miss Best Acting' in the event.

"For me personally, Miss Celebrity is a stepping stone, a springboard for me to re-enter the entertainment industry," said Christi Colondam to


2. Miss Celebrity 2023 Opened

From Christi's story, we can learn that everyone has the opportunity to taste the entertainment world in Indonesia. There are many ways, but one of the most possible ways to try is through the Miss Celebrity Indonesia event.

"And it is not impossible for those of you who want to enter the entertainment world, become a presenter, become an actress, you can do it through Miss Celebrity Indonesia," concluded Christi Colondam.

Well, coincidentally KLovers, Miss Celebrity Indonesia 2023 will be held soon. For those of you who don't know, registration has already started, precisely until November 5, 2023.

Curious about the requirements and how to register? Check it out below..


3. General Requirements

Here are some general requirements that you need to prepare to register for the Miss Celebrity Indonesia 2023 audition:

- Female, unmarried, physically and mentally healthy
- Aged 15-23 years old (Attach a copy of ID card / Birth certificate / Family card as proof
- Minimum height of 160 cm, proportional body
- Drug-free
- Upload audition video using dress/shapewear

One thing to remember, KLovers must wear the most beautiful dress possible in their audition video. There are also several gestures that must be performed in the video, you can see the complete example video below..


4. Other Requirements

Meanwhile, there are several specific requirements that KLovers must take note of:

1. Not currently under contract or agreement, either verbally or in writing, to become an advertising model, soap opera presenter, or film actor.
2. If selected as a Grand Finalist:
a. Must participate in quarantine and the Grand Final event to be held in Jakarta.
b. Must sign a contract with the organizing committee (if chosen as the winner).
c. Currently not registered as a participant in any other competitions or similar contests.
3. Fill out the Registration Form

Now, if you feel that you meet all the requirements mentioned above, it's time to register. KLovers can directly visit the official website of Miss Celebrity Indonesia 2023 and click the button REGISTER HERE. After that, you need to log in first and fill out the registration form with basic information.

The next step is to upload four (4) photos, including:
- Close-Up Photo
- Full Body Photo
- Side View Photo
- Identity Card Photo

Last but not least, you must include your personal Instagram account. Make sure it is not private. Also include the link to the reels video that you use for the Miss Celebrity Indonesia 2023 audition. That's it, you are officially registered. You just have to wait for the team to contact you for further information.

Please take note that registration is open until November 5, 2023. So don't miss the chance to register! How about it? Ready to become a star? Hurry up and register now!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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