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Sundanese Traditional Procession in Citra Kirana & Rezky's Wedding, Receiving Money Shower - Stepping on Eggs

Sundanese Traditional Procession in Citra Kirana & Rezky's Wedding, Receiving Money Shower - Stepping on Eggs

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Sundanese Traditional Procession in Citra Kirana & Rezky's Wedding, Receiving Money Shower - Stepping on Eggs

Citra Kirana and Rezky Aditya are now officially husband and wife after going through a series of wedding ceremonies on Sunday (1/12/2019). In this wedding, they went through Sundanese traditional processions. A day after becoming a wife, Citra uploaded wedding photos on Instagram and shared stories about each traditional ceremony she went through with her beloved husband.


Citra Kirana, who looks so beautiful on her wedding day, explains one by one the Sundanese customs that she went through in her wedding and makes her so proud.


The first procession she went through was sungkeman, which is asking for forgiveness and seeking forgiveness from her parents. Here, Citra admits that she can hold back her tears.


The same thing is also done by Rezky, who looks devout when asking for forgiveness from his parents.


Rezky looks so touched when hugging his parents. Anyone who sees it will definitely feel happy and touched too.


Next, the couple sits quietly together listening to Sundanese poems sung for them.


After that, there was a saweran procession. As the youngest child in the family, Citra received money from older family members.


Rezky and Citra then went through the meleum harupat procession. Harupat was burned and then blown, which signifies that any anger between them can be extinguished.


Next is the nincak endog procession, also known as stepping on eggs. Rezky, as the husband, steps on raw eggs which are then washed clean by Citra.


This nincak endog procession means that the groom will provide offspring and the bride will remain loyal and devoted.


During the reception procession, Rezky and Citra held hands while accompanied by a dance. Citra felt nervous when she saw all the guests present.


Rezky and Citra then cut the string made of flower arrangements. Happiness is evident on their faces.