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Suspected of Running Away from Home, Miss Indonesia 2019 Frederika Cull's Whereabouts Unknown

Suspected of Running Away from Home, Miss Indonesia 2019 Frederika Cull's Whereabouts Unknown Instagram - Yulia Peers is currently searching for her daughter, Frederika Cull. The 2019 Miss Indonesia is reported to have run away from home since September. Various efforts have been made by Yulia Peers to find her daughter's whereabouts.

"(Already) lost contact. From Fred, there has been no contact and the management did not inform me. Honestly, my friend and lawyer have been trying to contact Frederika. I contacted the management, but there was no response," said Yulia Peers at the Jakarta Metro Police, on Sunday (11/15/2021).


1. Still Communicating

Lastly, Yulia Peers was still communicating with Frederika Cull when her daughter was about to go to Bali for work. From there, Yulia and Frederika completely lost communication. "When she was about to leave for Bali for a two-week shoot, she said goodbye, and we had communication," she said.

"According to information, she (Frederika) is in Jakarta. But I don't know where," she added. Amid Frederika Cull's disappearance, someone with the initial 'N' sent a letter claiming that the 22-year-old woman is their child.

2. Report to the Police

"The last time I asked him, I contacted him but there was no good response. He is trying to claim that Fred is his child. He said she is my daughter. Imagine having your child acknowledged by someone else. When my child left, his behavior changed," she said.

Therefore, Yulia Peers reported N to the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, regarding the alleged disappearance of the family's origin regarding Frederika's identity. "The process has been continued by the investigator. I have already been questioned and there are other witnesses. This is my right to reveal the truth," said Yulia Peers. "I really want my child (Frederika Cull) to come home," Yulia Peers concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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