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Syahrini Caught Taking Diamond Video and Receives Criticism, Netizens Say: That's Why You Shouldn't Show Off Too Much!

Syahrini Caught Taking Diamond Video and Receives Criticism, Netizens Say: That's Why You Shouldn't Show Off Too Much! Syahrini flooded with criticism from netizens (credit: instagram/princessyahrini) - After a long absence, the melodious singer Syahrini suddenly appeared and caused a stir among netizens. This time, Reino Barack's wife was caught uploading someone else's video on her Instastory.

The video shows a glimpse of a luxurious necklace and diamond ring. After investigation, it turns out that the original owner of the video is @champagnegem, an account that sells diamonds and is based in Melbourne, Australia.

In the Instastory uploaded by Syahrini, there is no watermark from the diamond store. Netizens criticized Syahrini's behavior as if she considered the diamond necklace to be hers.

1. Flood in Cibiran

Syahrini's actions certainly received a lot of protests from netizens. This is because the singer of the song 'Something' did not repost or include a watermark in the video.

Syahrini only wrote 'MashaAllah, SYR, Jakarta - June - 2021' on the bottom right side of the video. It is this caption that made netizens suspect that Syahrini seemed to claim that the necklace in the video belonged to her.

Netizens are busy mocking Syahrini's actions on gossip accounts. 'Don't act so fancy if in the end it's embarrassing, just live as you are to keep your heart calm,' wrote one netizen.

'If you want to speak, just say it directly, why use codes? Your husband doesn't understand, even though you've made an Instastory saying 'can't wait' but he doesn't show up,' added another.

2. Reported to the Account Owner

As a result of Syahrini's post, one netizen immediately reported it to the Instagram account @champagnegem. "Princessyahrini has stolen your Instagram feed. She used it as if the jewelry belongs to her," wrote the report.

Unexpectedly, in a relatively short time, the account owner responded. "I have received information from the followers. I highly appreciate the support from Indonesia, thank you for informing me about this," wrote Champagnegem.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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