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Syakir Daulay's First Experience as a Director: Difficult to Find Actors and Tested by Seniors

Syakir Daulay's First Experience as a Director: Difficult to Find Actors and Tested by Seniors Syakir Daulay's first time as a director © Akrom Sukarya - Syakir Daulay challenges himself by directing a film. The result is the film "Aku Bukan Jodohnya" (I'm Not His Soulmate), which is Syakir's debut as a director.

According to Syakir, his desire to direct a film stemmed from his concern about romantic dramas that lack moral messages for the audience.

"At first, I made a film out of itchiness. I saw romantic films that had no message at all. Just the actors being handsome and beautiful," said Syakir Daulay in Jakarta on Wednesday, December 29, 2021.

1. Gradually Realizing His Dreams

Based on this concern, Syakir Daulay gradually realizes his dreams by writing a film script in his spare time.

For the story idea, Syakir chooses a theme that is easy and not far from his personal life.

"70 percent (real life). I just modernize it. It's cool if I make a film. Because as a director, you have to have a feeling," said Syakir Daulay.

"And I think many also feel the loss, not finding a soulmate. When facing difficult situations like this, I think we have to be sincere like me," he added.

2. Admitting to Facing Many Obstacles

Syakir's desire was then welcomed by Tawaf TV and Indonesia Mengaji to produce. However, during the production phase, Syakir admitted to facing many obstacles that almost made him frustrated.

As a 19-year-old young person and a first-time film director, Syakir admitted that his friends didn't believe him when he asked them to participate in his film.

"It was quite difficult when I told female artist friends, it was really hard. Until I gave up. 'Well, I'll just find someone new and I'll orbit them,' and finally I met Ica Maysha who was suitable for the role of Nadhira," said Syakir.

3. Sharing His Experience

Not only that, Syakir also revealed his experience being tested by his senior when he asked Donny Alamsyah to participate in his film.

"When dealing with seniors, we juniors are often tested. 'Why is it like this?'. But Alhamdulillah, I was able to answer," he said.

4. Becoming an Actor

In the film, Syakir Daulay not only acted as a director but also as an actor. Syakir said it was not easy to be a director and an actor.

"In short, it's really confusing. But Alhamdulillah, Syakir has a mentor, a team from TawafTV, and amazing crews," he said.

The film 'Aku Bukan Jodohnya' will be aired on MAXstream starting from December 30, 2021. Apart from Syakir Daulay and Ica Maysha, the film also stars Zikri Daulay, Cut Mini, Donny Alamsyah, Rahmat Ababil, and many more.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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