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Tania Nadira Gives Birth to a Beautiful Baby Girl, Her Name Has a Beautiful Meaning

Tania Nadira Gives Birth to a Beautiful Baby Girl, Her Name Has a Beautiful Meaning Tania Nadira © - Good news comes from former wife of Tommy Kurniawan, namely Tania Nadira who has just given birth to a baby girl from her marriage with Abdullah Alwi. This is Tania Nadira's third child, as she already has two children from her marriage with Tommy Kurniawan.

Tania Nadira's parents, Hana Hasanah Shahab and Fadel Muhammad, also conveyed the happy news to the media.

“Alhamdulillah, on the third day of Eid al-Fitr, Bu Hana and Pak Fadel received a grandchild from Tania. A baby girl named Nooran Mikayla Abdulla Alaydrus has been born, masha Allah,” said Hana Hasanah Shahab when met at RSPI, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (26/5).


1. Meaning of Baby Names

They explained the meaning of the name of their newly born grandchild. Fadel Muhammad turned out to follow the advice of religious leader Quraish Shihab.

“They discussed it as a couple, I suggested using the letter N in front of the name for a girl, and F for a boy. In the Qur'an, it is recommended to use the letter N according to Mr. Quraish, that's why Mr. Quraish's daughter's name starts with N, we just follow that. Nooran means two lights, Mikayla is a gift from God,” explained Fadel Muhammad.

2. Limiting Visitors

Due to the current situation of the coronavirus pandemic, they also limit the people who want to visit Tania Nadira and the baby at the hospital. “Yes, we limit the visitors and according to the doctor's advice, they must wear masks and it's limited. Only close family members are allowed, and even they have to call us first to ask if they can visit,” concluded Fadel Muhammad.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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