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Tata Janeeta Still Hangs Out with Ahmad Dhani, Maia Estianty: You're Two-faced

Tata Janeeta Still Hangs Out with Ahmad Dhani, Maia Estianty: You're Two-faced ©Instagram/tatajaneetaofficial/maiaestiantyreal - Tata Janeeta indeed has a very close relationship with Maia Estianty and Ahmad Dhani. Although she is no longer under Republic Cinta Management (RCM), Tata is known to still communicate frequently with Dhani.

Tata is also known to often visit Maia's residence. They even often work on projects together. Tata even appeared in one of the videos uploaded on the ALELDUL FAM TV YouTube channel some time ago.

1. Bermuka Dua

Knowing that Tata still often visits Dhani's residence, Maia refers to him as a two-faced person. However, it seems that this is only a joke between the two.

"You sometimes have two faces. Sometimes RCM, sometimes confused coming here," said Maia in a video uploaded in August 2020.

2. Want to Maintain a Good Relationship

Tata also revealed that he only wants to maintain a good relationship with Dhani and Maia. He still visits Dhani's residence because he still respects the leader of Dewa 19.

"Well, Mom taught me. From the beginning, I said 'Mom, I was given a way by Mas Dhani, no matter what, I will always respect Mas Dhani,'" added Tata.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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