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Thalita Latief Reveals Domestic Violence Experienced, Thrown Phone to Serious Injury

Thalita Latief Reveals Domestic Violence Experienced, Thrown Phone to Serious Injury Thalita Latief: Akrom Sukarya - After being rumored to have experienced domestic violence during her marriage with Dennis Lyla, Thalita finally revealed the truth to the media.

Thalita Latief exposed the problems in her marriage with her husband, Dennis Rizky alias Dennis Lyla. Thalita, who has made up her mind to divorce her husband, admitted to experiencing Domestic Violence.

1. Ever Experienced Serious Injury

The mother of one child admitted that her face had been hit with a mobile phone, causing serious injuries. Not only that, she also claimed to have been abused in front of her child.

"I was hit with a mobile phone in my mouth, on my face, until my lips were bleeding. My front teeth were broken into two parts. He hit my forehead with his head until it bled and swelled. He did it while I was holding my child," said Thalita Latief at the Central Jakarta Religious Court on Tuesday (6/4/2021).



2. Unforgettable Painful Moment

Thalita cannot forget the incident. Therefore, she asked Dennis and her lawyer not to deny the domestic violence incident she experienced.

"Does he still want to deny the physical domestic violence? He has to wait for me to speak like this before he admits it," she said emotionally.



3. Admit to Experiencing Domestic Violence Multiple Times

According to Thalita, the act of domestic violence committed by Dennis against her has occurred multiple times, starting from 2016. She will bring the matter to the attention of the Judge to facilitate her divorce application.

"It happened since 2016. I have experienced that treatment several times. The evidence will be presented in the trial," she said.




4. Attempted to Preserve the Marriage Bond

Thalita also mentioned that she never brought the domestic violence incident to the legal realm because she wanted to preserve her marriage and hoped that Dennis, who is easily emotional, could change.

"Yes, I gave him a chance. I forgave him until it became complicated. I am human, and I speak the truth," she concluded.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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