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The Harmony of Cut Tari's Child and Richard Kevin's Child - Equally Beautiful

The Harmony of Cut Tari's Child and Richard Kevin's Child - Equally Beautiful Portrait of Cut Tari's child and Richard Kevin's child (credit: - The close relationship between Cut Tari's child and Richard Kevin's child often steals attention. Moreover, both of them have equally beautiful faces like twin children even though they are step-siblings.

The togetherness of these celebrity children often captivates fans. Not only because of their beauty, Channella Leslie and Sidney Azkassyah also have similar appearances. Recently, Cut Tari shared sweet moments of her two beautiful daughters spending time together.

Although not blood-related, the closeness of Channella Leslie and Sidney Azkassyah is like siblings. Curious about their close moments? Check out the portraits of Cut Tari's child and Richard Kevin.

1. Latest Portrait of Cut Tari's Children and Richard Kevin

Through her social media account, Cut Tari often shares sweet moments with her children. For your information, Sidney Azkassyah is Cut Tari's child. Meanwhile, Channella Leslie is Richard Kevin's daughter. Despite being step-siblings, these two artist's children are really close. Here is their latest portrait that has caught the attention of Cut Tari's followers on social media.

2. Wearing Matching Outfits

Already a family, Sidney and Channella often spend time together. Recently, Cut Tari captured this sweet moment of her two beautiful daughters while hanging out. Interestingly, Channella and Sidney wore matching casual outfits. The combination of black outfits with jeans and white sneakers made their styles very cohesive.

3. Showing Love and Care

In this latest post, there is a sweet moment when Sidney hugs her step-sister, Channella. The hug is warmly welcomed by Channella, who stands beside her. Sweet smiles instantly radiate from both of their faces, as seen in this photo.

4. Like Twin Children

Some fans often refer to Sidney and Channella as true twin children. Moreover, even though they are not blood-related, there is a resemblance in their appearance. Especially since their age gap is not too far apart, as they are only one year apart. Both of their hairstyles are also similar, with shoulder-length hair.

5. Always Compact with Family

Cut Tari and Richard Kevin's children always stay close with their family. Amidst their busy schedules, this celebrity couple often spends time together with their family, such as having dinner. Warmth is always felt among the togetherness of Cut Tari and Richard Kevin's family with their children.

6. Sama-Sama Cantik

Born from parents with beautiful appearances, it's no wonder that Sidney and Channella inherit their charm. Their beauty often becomes the center of attention on every occasion. Especially when they are with their mother, they look like siblings. Because, Cut Tari is known as an artist with everlasting youth.

7. Akur Banget

Cut Tari once revealed that the closeness and harmony between her children are like a precious gift. Even the close relationship between Sidney and Channella happens naturally without planning. No wonder this celebrity family looks more harmonious and happy. Their happiness is complete when the children of Cut Tari and Richard Kevin are seen getting along well on every occasion.

That is the portrait of Sidney and Channella's togetherness, even though they are step-siblings. This celebrity family looks very harmonious.



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