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The Story of Dennis Lim, Former Gangster and Casino Boss who became an Ustaz - Repentance after Listening to Aa Gym's Lecture

The Story of Dennis Lim, Former Gangster and Casino Boss who became an Ustaz - Repentance after Listening to Aa Gym's Lecture

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The Story of Dennis Lim, Former Gangster and Casino Boss who became an Ustaz - Repentance after Listening to Aa Gym's Lecture

No one can predict one's fate. The same goes for the life journey of Lin Zun Fu, also known as Dennis Lim. He was born in Bogor, Indonesia, on November 26, 1991.

Dennis Lim's dark journey began when he sought his fortune by pursuing a career in the IT department of a casino in Thailand in 2014.

The Story of Dennis Lim, Former Gangster and Casino Boss who became an Ustaz - Repentance after Listening to Aa Gym's Lecture

In short, Dennis Lim's career skyrocketed until he became one of the casino owners in the Land of White Elephants.

The Story of Dennis Lim, Former Gangster and Casino Boss who became an Ustaz - Repentance after Listening to Aa Gym's Lecture

"More than three years in Thailand, two years as an IT, and the last year as a casino owner," said Dennis Lim in the Mampang area, Jakarta, on Monday (6/2/2023).


As a gambling boss, Dennis does not deny living life like a gangster.


"Yes, it can be called that, if someone misbehaves like stealing company money, they should be given a deterrent effect. But not like in movies, carrying a gun everywhere and shooting, easily killing people," he said.


Although he has a lot of money and is at the peak of his career, Dennis feels his life is empty.


"The process is, people say that they have tried all the worldly happiness, but it's dry. Life is uncomfortable, difficult to sleep, can only sleep for 2 hours, even seeing friends finding happiness has to be with drugs. Until I concluded that this is not true," said Dennis Lim.


Fortunately, Dennis Lim said, one day he accidentally heard Aa Gym's lecture. Since then, he dared to leave the dark life as a casino boss.

The Story of Dennis Lim, Former Gangster and Casino Boss who became an Ustaz - Repentance after Listening to Aa Gym's Lecture

"Allah gave guidance when I came to Aa Gym's lecture. Alhamdulillah, his advice resonated with me. In 2017, I returned and repented, and studied with Aa Gym at Daarut Tauhid, I stayed there for about two years," he said.


After living according to Islamic law, Dennis, who has been a Muslim since birth, then found an additional heart, namely Yunda Aisyah, whom he married on October 19, 2019.

The Story of Dennis Lim, Former Gangster and Casino Boss who became an Ustaz - Repentance after Listening to Aa Gym's Lecture

Dennis also practices his knowledge when studying religion by creating lecture content on the Tik Tok social media platform, and unexpectedly his studies went viral.

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