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Those who Keep Earning a Living Amidst the May 22 Demonstration, Fighters!

Those who Keep Earning a Living Amidst the May 22 Demonstration, Fighters!

Demo 22 May 2019

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Those who Keep Earning a Living Amidst the May 22 Demonstration, Fighters!

In the midst of the bustling May 22, 2019 demonstration in front of the Bawaslu Office, Jakarta, there are many people who make a living from this moment. Regardless of whether the demonstration later becomes violent or not, they continue to struggle to earn a living for their families at home.

Traders, scavengers, and bajaj drivers still work. The portraits of these fighters seeking a living are captured well by photographer Pio Kharisma, who then uploaded them to Twitter. Pio's snapshots are truly extraordinary. They are able to reveal the weight of their struggle to survive, regardless of the situation in front of their eyes.

Photo by: Pio Kharisma (


Even the bajaj drivers are preparing around the demonstration site. Finding a taxi or online motorcycle taxi is certainly difficult in the midst of a situation like this.


As the evening approaches, he is still trying to find used items and trash that can be exchanged for money.


Never go home without money. Whatever the risks, they will be faced by those who are struggling to make a living.


They are traders who continue to strive to earn money around the demonstration site until the crowd becomes larger.


"As the evening approaches, the sun leans towards the west, but it's not time to go home from work yet. #BeforeRiot22May," Pio writes. They continue to sell even though night is approaching.


Sad view from this scavenger became the other side of the demonstration that took place on May 22, 2019. He had hoped to bring more items to sell, but it turns out his hope was not fulfilled.


"Be prepared, once the mass action is over, it's time to collect the "diamonds" left behind. Unfortunately, the mass action lasted until the next morning. #BeforeRiot22May," wrote Pio.


He, who struggles to make a living, only wants sustenance to bring home.


Not every day can this merchant pass by leisurely on this street. When there is a demonstration, the street changes drastically.


That day, the streets were very quiet for traders carrying bicycles to sell their goods.


Two different sides of Thamrin Street that day. Demonstrators walking in the opposite direction of traders seeking their fortune in the midst of the crowd. "Passing through a small alley connected to Thamrin and seeing this moment, I cried while editing it because I was listening to Kunto Aji's song Jakarta-Jakarta. #BeforeRiot22May," wrote Pio.


This is Pio's favorite photo of all the portraits he took that day. This man continues to work even though he is no longer young.


Among the few shops that remained open around the protest site, those who were here remained relaxed. Sitting together, peaceful in their differences.


Full of spirit in his old age, this father still passes through the demonstration area that became his route that day.


Whatever the situation around him, this father's desire is to bring home money for his family.


Old age doesn't diminish the spirit of this father to earn a living.


He is a living witness of various demonstrations that take place around Thamrin. "The father who always begs around Sabang. Always there when demonstrations occur, even during the Sarinah bombing incident. #BeforeRiot22May," writes Pio.


However, many street vendors choose to close their stalls because of the demonstration.


In the midst of the quiet situation in the area, there are still vendors selling their products to the demonstrators.


Pio also shared his experience when he was walking around the demonstration site. And this is a picture of Sabang street before the riots started.


"Around 3 pm, I went to Sabang street. And these are the photos of Sabang street that were quite affected by the situation, almost all the shops were closed. Only a few minimarts were open. Street vendors who usually sell seemed hesitant to continue trading. #BeforeRiot22May," Pio wrote.


Ignoring their own safety, the traders believe that they will be safe even as the number of protesters continues to increase.


Not just one or two meatball sellers at the demonstration site. But almost all of them were sold out because of the large number of people there.


Pio's prayers were also directed towards the beverage sellers who received many buyers from the crowd who needed drinks for breaking their fast.


"Hopefully these gentlemen have gone home when the crowd started to get wild at night. #BeforeRiot22May," Pio wrote for these meatball sellers.


The traders also set up their stalls with makeshift materials.


Seller of stickers and emblems are scattered around the demonstration site. The heat of the sun is not too felt, because it is covered by the crowd around the stall.


In addition to sunglasses, hats can be a savior in the midst of the scorching Jakarta weather.


Impromptu stalls were set up by traders around the May 22, 2019 demonstration site. Pio prayed for the success of these sellers' merchandise.


In the midst of the scorching Jakarta sun, sunglasses sellers try to profit from the crowd who forgot to bring this small but important item.


"Whatever the merchandise, a large crowd is a good opportunity. Including selling stickers in the midst of the crowd's action. #BeforeRiot22Mei," Pio wrote.


Is the sticker sold by this man sold out? That's what he hopes for.


This bakpao is a savior for hungry protesters who were demonstrating that afternoon. It is also a savior for the vendors because their sales can run out.


Various types of goods are traded by these livelihood fighters. They also enter the midst of the crowd to find buyers.


All this merchant wants is to go home with money for his family.


Many merchants dare to enter the midst of the crowd. Regardless of what is happening around them, trading is their main goal.


"Now I'm sharing photos of the people whose names are often used by politicians. People who are struggling for a better life, regardless of who the president is. #BeforeRiot22May," Pio wrote in his post.


Pio Kharisma captures moments when these breadwinning fighters break through the crowd of demonstrators to make a living.


Since before the mass crowd arrived, the merchants had already prepared to sell their goods.


The bajaj drivers hope that there will be demonstrators who will use their services to go home.


Evening arrives, the demonstrators still haven't gone home. But these bajaj drivers remain determined, waiting for passengers.


Their laughter in the midst of a tense situation makes the heated atmosphere feel cool again.