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Titi Kamal Sun-drying Plants, Her House Becomes Aesthetic Like a Cafe

Titi Kamal Sun-drying Plants, Her House Becomes Aesthetic Like a Cafe Titi Kamal (credit: - Many new things have become hobbies for Indonesian celebrities during this pandemic. One of them is taking care of plants. Titi Kamal is one of those who really enjoys buying, taking care of plants, and making her house fresher.

If you follow Titi on Instagram, you must know her extensive collection of plants. Christian Sugiono's wife is also very diligent in taking care of the plants she calls her green children.

1. Accompanying Children Sunbathing

One of the things Titi does is diligently sunbathe her plants to get sunlight. Just like what she uploaded on Instagram.

"Favorite breakfast spot, while watching my beautiful sunbathing child. How about naming it Cafe Tikam?" wrote this mother of two sons.

2. Indeed Similar to a Cafe

It's true that the edge of the swimming pool at Titi's house looks very Instagrammable like a cafe. Who here has a hobby of taking care of plants like Titi during this pandemic?

Well, taking care of plants at home is indeed better than going to crowded places. And always remember #pesanibu to wash hands regularly, wear a mask, and maintain distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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