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Upload Old Photos, Here's Sule's Hilarious Childhood

Upload Old Photos, Here's Sule's Hilarious Childhood

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Upload Old Photos, Here's Sule's Hilarious Childhood

Who doesn't know this comedian now? He is no longer just a comedian, but has also ventured as a host of a program. Who is he? Of course, it's Sule

Recently, he uploaded photos from his childhood. Instead of being curious, just check it out here.


Now everyone knows his name. Yes, Sule has successfully become a star in the entertainment world of the homeland.


The man whose real name is Entis Sutisna is indeed a true Sundanese. So don't be surprised that he is skilled at singing.


But don't be mistaken, behind his funny antics, he was very cute as a child. Just like these photos.


Oh, but don't get it wrong. It turns out he used to be a popular guy. Just look at Sule surrounded by these women.


Since childhood, his artistic talent has indeed been present. So it's no wonder he attended SMKI Negeri Bandung and continued to STSI Bandung.


Just like most children, he looked cute. I wonder who is cuter, little Sule or the one now.


Being a comedian is also a noble thing. Of course, because it has entertained us.