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Ussy Sulistiawaty's Story About Andhika Pratama Who Has Started to Be Consistent in Exercising

Ussy Sulistiawaty's Story About Andhika Pratama Who Has Started to Be Consistent in Exercising - Ussy Sulistiawaty expressed her relief because her husband, Andhika Pratama, has now started to be consistent in exercising. She is very happy to see Andhika actively engaging in various sports activities such as going to the gym, playing golf, and running. Ussy even gave a firm warning to anyone who tries to hinder her husband from exercising.

"I told him that our kids are still young, and we don’t want to be old and have our children take care of us when we are frail and sick. Thankfully, he has started to be consistent in exercising because being consistent is the hard part," said Ussy Sulistiawaty as quoted by detikhot.

1. Do Gym until Playing Golf


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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