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Usually Doing It 5 Times a Week, Andrea Dian Still Maintains Exercise Discipline Even on Vacation

Usually Doing It 5 Times a Week, Andrea Dian Still Maintains Exercise Discipline Even on Vacation Andrea Dian (credit: - Maintaining body health is important, especially in the current pandemic situation. One thing that can be done to keep the body in good condition is exercising.

That's also what Andrea Dian always does to maintain her health. Ganindra Bimo's wife is known for being disciplined in terms of exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even when on vacation.

1. Sports During Vacation

Andrea Dian admitted that she still maintains her exercise routine even while on vacation. She also explained that there is a slight difference in the schedule between regular workout days and vacation days.

"Yes, I still workout. It's still 2-1, 2 days of training and 1 day off. So, 5 training sessions per week. But during holidays, the workouts are scheduled in the morning (7/8 am) after breakfast, wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour before exercising," she explained in her IG story post (23/4).

2. Maintaining Condition Amidst the Pandemic

Maintaining body condition to protect oneself from Covid-19 is indeed crucial, but equally important is the discipline in implementing health protocols. #RememberMother'sMessage, starting from regularly washing hands, wearing masks, to maintaining distance.

Not just for oneself, but also for people around. Let's remind each other so that this difficult situation can end soon.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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