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Verlita Evelyn's Children Hope Their Debut Song 'Indonesia Bisa' Will Be Heard by President Jokowi

Verlita Evelyn's Children Hope Their Debut Song 'Indonesia Bisa' Will Be Heard by President Jokowi Verlita Evelyn's Children (credit: Rakhmah) - Verlita Evelyn and her husband Ivan Saba are proud of their two children Caleb Iverson Saba and Jenoah Iverson Saba who have just released their debut song titled 'Indonesia Bisa'. The song, produced by Ivan Saba himself, contains a message for the entire Indonesian community to stay strong amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

"This song gives encouragement to everyone, hopefully the pandemic will end soon. My husband and I wrote the lyrics. My mom has some good words, like a sort of quote that Indonesia can heal because of me, Indonesia can heal because of you, Indonesia can heal because of us," said Verlita Evelyn during a virtual press conference on Friday (2/6).

1. Hoping His Song Will Be Heard by President Jokowi

Verlita Evelyn's children also hope that their debut song can be heard by President Jokowi. "What do these children simple wish for this song? They said they want their song to be heard by Mr. Jokowi. Very simple. Haha," said Verlita Evelyn.

The star of the soap opera CINTA FITRI also said that during this pandemic, she and her family have been very obedient to health protocols. They haven't even gone to the mall, let alone go on vacation.

"Basically, our family obeys the rule of not going out, just stay at home. The children know that they are not allowed to go to the mall. And especially not for vacation. Mr. Jokowi said we shouldn't go anywhere, we have to stay at home, and they obey," she explained.

2. Supporting the Children's Wishes

Seeing Caleb and Noah starting to enter the entertainment industry, Verlita Evelyn actually doesn't force them to follow in their parents' footsteps. She only supports whatever her children's wishes are.

"I don't expect my children to be involved in the arts at this point. I just try to accommodate them, not forcing them. They are still children, and their preferences can change. We just guide them and if they like it here, why not," said Verlita Evelyn.

"They enjoyed the process of making a single. So they told their father that if there is an opportunity, they would gladly do it again," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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