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Vicky Prasetyo Wants to Get Serious with Marshanda, Says Will Meet Ben Kasyafani First - Admits to Being Interested Since 23 Years Ago

Vicky Prasetyo Wants to Get Serious with Marshanda, Says Will Meet Ben Kasyafani First - Admits to Being Interested Since 23 Years Ago Vicky Prasetyo Wants to Get Serious with Marshanda / Credit Photo: Instagram/marshanda99 - vickyprasetyo777 - Vicky Prasetyo is one of the local celebrities who is also known for his love stories with several women. He has been married and divorced several times, some of whom are artists.

Recently, Vicky, who is rumored to be close to the beautiful celebrity Marshanda, showed his seriousness. Previously, there were also rumors that they were dating.

However, regarding their relationship, Vicky has not openly admitted his relationship with Marshanda. However, he revealed that he is always there for the single mother.

1. Vicky Admits Always Being by Marshanda's Side

Without explicitly mentioning their relationship status, Vicky Prasetyo openly admits that he is always by Marshanda's side during her vulnerable moments as a single mother.

"I no longer want to be in the entertainment industry," he said as quoted from a video uploaded by @gosip_ceria account, Thursday (14/12/2023).

"Well, I am there during her vulnerable moments, because a great man is not a man who has everything, but a man who can be there when his woman needs him," he said again.

2. Never Tired of Falling in Love

Having a long history with several women, Vicky never gets tired of falling in love. He also revealed that he is like Napoleon Bonaparte.

"I'm similar to Napoleon Bonaparte, meaning even though he traveled, he still fell in love, right? That's why when Napoleon died, there were three things mentioned, (namely) France, the military, and Josephine. So in the midst of a tough life, there must be love," he explained.

"That's why, like me, I can't possibly get tired, because it's also a gift from God, and it's even more dangerous, sorry, if I love the same sex. This is a true gift from God that I really enjoy," said the former husband of Angel Lelga.

3. Public Reaction Regarding the Relationship of Vicky Prasetyo and Marshanda

Regarding the public's opposition to his relationship with Marshanda, Vicky Prasetyo said he doesn't want to bother. Netizens do not have the power to determine his life choices.

"We are two people, united in mind and heart. If there is something uncomfortable or sad, then it should not be continued. But if this makes us happy, why not continue," he said.

4. Will Meet Ben Kasyafani

To show his seriousness in love, Vicky Prasetyo revealed that he will meet Ben Kasyafani, Marshanda's ex-husband.

"The plan is to meet Ben first," said Vicky.

"Well, there are many things," he added when asked what he will say to Ben Kasyafani.

Vicky Prasetyo also reiterated that he is truly serious about building a relationship with Marshanda.

"Well, if I was just joking, maybe it wouldn't have gone this far," he concluded.

5. Fell in Love 23 Years Ago

Wanting to be serious with Marshanda, Vicky Prasetyo apparently already had an interest in this 34-year-old woman. He admitted that he fell in love when he saw Marshanda or Caca acting in the soap opera BIDADARI, which was released 23 years ago.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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