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Vino G Bastian's Dream, Can Reunite Married Couples Who Want to Divorce

Vino G Bastian's Dream, Can Reunite Married Couples Who Want to Divorce Actor Vino G Bastian Stars in Menolak Talak © Akrom Sukarya - Actor Vino G Bastian works as a mediator to resolve divorce issues in the Religious Court in his latest series titled Menolak Talak. In this series, Vino plays the role of Alif Alqodry, a man who aspires to reunite people with marital problems.

Apparently, Alif's desire to become a mediator in the Religious Court is based on his childhood experience. His mother left Arif when he was still a child. For Vino, portraying the character of Alif, who becomes a mediator to resolve divorce issues, is a new experience.

"Freelance mediator, interesting character, trying to reconcile married couples who want to divorce while he (Alif) is not married yet. So, finding marital conflicts in the Menolak Talak series is quite a challenge," said Vino at the ANTV studio, Epicentrum, South Jakarta, on Friday (14/1/2022).

1. Acting with My Own Wife

In the series Menolak Talak, Vino acts alongside his own wife, Marsha Timothy. What's interesting is that Vino and Marsha's characters are very different. While Vino tries to reconcile the husband and wife so they don't get divorced, Marsha Timothy is the opposite. Here, she wants the husband and wife to divorce when they have entered the Religious Court.

Marsha's role here is very unique, she plays a character named Natasha Aryapura. A skilled lawyer who is most feared by her opponents, especially in divorce cases.

2. Fell in Love Immediately

"Being the child of a wealthy person, I became a lawyer. When Ferry (the producer from Tobali Putra Production) offered it to me, I immediately fell in love with the title. Usually, I am quite selective, especially with series," said Marsha Timothy.

"I fell in love immediately, imagining again within the character. The interesting thing about this character is that she divorces many people. The premise of this story is very intriguing," added Marsha Timothy.

3. Studded with Stars

The TV series Menolak Talak airs every day on ANTV starting Monday, January 17, 2022 at 17:00 WIB. Several famous actors and actresses appear in the series Menolak Talak. Starting from Marsha Timothy, H. Malih, Andi Annisa Aisyah, Kiki Saputri, Minati Atmanagara, Ical Muhammad, to Roy Marten.

4. New Experience

"Here I met babe (Malih), Dina Lorenza, amazing new friends. It's a new experience. Returning to a series after 10 years is very enjoyable. Missed a series like this," concluded Marsha Timothy.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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