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Viral Expression of Karni Ilyas During Interview with Mirna's Father - Becomes a Trending Topic and Represents the Expression of Indonesian Netizens

Viral Expression of Karni Ilyas During Interview with Mirna's Father - Becomes a Trending Topic and Represents the Expression of Indonesian Netizens - The case of Jessica Wongso and the late Mirna has been brought up again by netizens since the release of the documentary 'ICE COLD: JESSICA WONGSO' by Netflix. This case has once again sparked discussions due to the emergence of conspiracies and theories found by netizens after the documentary.

The parties involved such as Otto Hasibuan (Jessica's lawyer), Dr Djaja as the doctor who first saw Mirna's body, and Edi Darmawan who is none other than Mirna's biological father, have been highlighted by the public and media. Many of them are now attending podcasts and popular events, one of which is Karni Ilyas Club.


1. Karni Ilyas' Expression Captivates Netizens

During a conversation session with Edi Darmawan, Karni Ilyas, who is a show host, actually caught the attention of netizens. The figure often referred to as Bang Karni apparently often gives expressions that are quite amusing to netizens. By giving a bewildered expression and confusion, many netizens say that Bang Karni's expression really depicts their expression when watching the documentary about Ayah Mirna.

Previously in the documentary ICE COLD: JESICA WONGSO, Ayah Mirna, whose name is Edi Darmawan, often captivated the attention of viewers. Ayah Mirna has a loud speaking style, is not hesitant, and is brave enough to mention several names of people involved in this case. Therefore, many netizens speculate that this case is related to Ayah Mirna.


2. Becoming a Trending Topic on Social Media

Bang Karni's expression of confusion suddenly became a trending topic on several social media platforms such as Tiktok and Twitter. Even on Tiktok itself, many creators stated that Bang Karni's expression is very relatable to their own.

"I laughed at this for a long time, every time I rewatched it, Karni Ilyas' expression made me laugh even harder. He's so me, like 'what is he saying'," said a Twitter user with the account trys****, which received 5 thousand likes.

"If I were Karni Ilyas, I would react the same way after listening to Mirna's father," said the owner of the Twitter account ccan***, which was liked by more than 40 thousand accounts.

"Bang Karni's face really looks like he needs rehab for a day," added another user.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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