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Viral: Verlita Evelyn's Younger Sibling Becomes Victim of Assault on Toll Road, Two Perpetrators Already Arrested

Viral: Verlita Evelyn's Younger Sibling Becomes Victim of Assault on Toll Road, Two Perpetrators Already Arrested Verlita Evelyn (credit: - The online world is abuzz with a circulating video of an assault on the Dalam Kota Toll Road, Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta. In the video, two men driving a Nissan with license plate RHF are seen taking turns assaulting a young man.

The incident occurred around 12:40 PM despite the heavy traffic. The two men seemed to pay no attention to the traffic.

1. Younger Sibling of Verlita Evelyn

The young man who was assaulted has been identified as Justin Frederick. Upon investigation, it was revealed that he is the son of a high-ranking member of the PDIP party, Indah Kurnia, and the younger sibling of actress Verlita Evelyn.

Upon realizing he was a victim of assault, Justin immediately reported it to the Jakarta Metro Police. The two men have since been arrested by the Subdit Resmob Ditreskrimum of the Jakarta Metro Police.

"Yes, they have been arrested," said Kabid Humas of the Jakarta Metro Police, Kombes Pol Endra Zulpan, when contacted by the media.

2. Undergo Examination Immediately

As soon as they were arrested, the two men who beat Justin Frederick were immediately examined and detained. However, the police have not revealed the details of the chronological events.

"We will examine and detain them immediately according to their capacity," said Director of General Crime Investigation of Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Kombes Pol Hengki Haryadi on a separate occasion.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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