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Virgoun Receives DM on Instagram, Asked about the Criteria for an Ideal Second Wife and Offered Polygamy

Virgoun Receives DM on Instagram, Asked about the Criteria for an Ideal Second Wife and Offered Polygamy Virgoun and family (credit: - In recent days, there has been a lot of talk about Rey Mbayang and Dinda Hauw's marriage. It all started with Rey's DM on Instagram, asking about the ideal type of husband for Dinda, and eventually they decided to get to know each other and are now officially husband and wife.

Now, there are others who are imitating Rey's Instagram DM, and one of them is the singer Virgoun. Since the lead vocalist of Last Child already has a wife and three children, the question he received was about the criteria for an ideal second wife.

1. Received DM from IG

The content of the DM received by the tattooed man is as follows:

"Assalamualaikum, Bro. What kind of second wife does Brother dream of? I want to make myself more certain. Although there are many things I want to achieve and the more I come here, the more confident I am, I will be present in your life as I am. I'm not afraid of marriage because...."

2. Virgoun's Response

Fortunately, through the Instagram caption, Virgoun's response relieved his wife's heart. Of course, he did not respond to the DM.

"Alhamdulillah, polygamy is recommended by religion, not obligatory. My heart already belongs to 4 people. Hopefully, Miss can quickly find her soulmate. Fortunately, it's on social media. Imagine if it were in the real world, she could be beheaded by her husband," wrote Virgoun. The husband he referred to is his wife.

What do KLovers think about this?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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