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Walking for 6 Years, This is Lala's Story as Rafathar's Babysitter from the Age of One Week - Initially Didn't Know She Would Work at Raffi Ahmad's Place

Walking for 6 Years, This is Lala's Story as Rafathar's Babysitter from the Age of One Week - Initially Didn't Know She Would Work at Raffi Ahmad's Place Lala's Togetherness with Raffi Ahmad & Nagita Slavina's Family (Credit: Instagram/shela_lala96, Youtube/Rans Entertainment) - The Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina family always attracts attention. Various things about the family are always a topic of conversation. Now, it's Lala's turn, Rafathar's babysitter who has been working there for six years.

Lala has been working since she graduated from school and is currently studying at college, which is also funded by Raffi Ahmad. As a witness to Rafathar's growth all this time, Lala's story is quite intriguing.

Even Raffi Ahmad himself referred to Lala as Rafathar's mainstay. Now, for those of you who also want to know about it, check out the summary of Lala and Raffi Ahmad's conversation through a video on the Rans Entertainment Youtube channel below.


1. At first, Lala didn't know she would work for Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina

Lala has been a witness to Rafathar's growth since he was one week old out of the hospital. In fact, she was offered to work six years ago, without knowing that she would work for Raffi's family. At that time, she had just graduated from school and had not received her diploma, so she decided to try to start working.

Therefore, Raffi proposed to give Lala a salary increase.

"Later, I want to increase your salary, I have told Bu Gigi, don't worry," said Raffi Ahmad.

Lala responded briefly, "Okay, Sir. I'll wait, Sir."

2. Want to be Nagita's Assistant, Rafathar, or Rayyanza?

At the beginning of the conversation, Lala stated that Rafathar would be jealous if she got too close to Rayyanza. However, there are plans in the future for Lala to become Nagita Slavina's assistant. Raffi asked again, whether she wants to be Nagita or Rafathar's assistant.

"They said that if Lala has graduated from college, her salary will be increased again. If now I have increased her salary, will she want another salary increase later? They said she wants to be Nagita Slavina's assistant," said Raffi Ahmad.

Lala answered freely as long as she doesn't become Rayyanza's assistant because she's afraid there will be a world war.

3. How Lala Allocates Time for Work and Study

In addition to working with Raffi's family, Lala is also pursuing a degree in management. The cost of tuition is apparently covered by Raffi. Therefore, Raffi asked about how she divides her time.

Lala said that studying usually takes one to one and a half hours and can be done while working.

"So, the classes are still online, so I can just wear a headset and listen while working," Lala explained.

Lala admitted that she has learned a lot, including English. She also mentioned that she can speak a little, although she is often corrected by Rafathar because her pronunciation is not quite right or still incorrect.

Raffi said it's okay and asked Lala to try speaking in English.

4. Would You Still Work for Raffi & Gigi After Getting Married?

Furthermore, Raffi also asked what would happen if Lala gets married and her husband doesn't allow her to work anymore. It turns out that Lala is already 25 years old and previously had a boyfriend, although they have broken up now. Lala casually answered that they could still discuss that matter.

"Well, everything can be discussed, Sir," Lala replied briefly.

5. Lala Admits There is No Candidate Yet

The discussion about Lala's marriage continues. This time, Raffi asked about the existence of Lala's future husband.

"Is there already someone now?," Raffi asked.

"Not yet, Sir," Lala answered while laughing.

Although there is no candidate yet, Lala mentioned that she already has savings. Raffi supported this because women should also be able to stand on their own feet.

6. Marriage Age Target

Knowing that Lala doesn't have a prospective husband yet, Raffi Ahmad asked about the age target that Lala wants for marriage.

"At what age do you want to get married? Or do you want to wait for the right person?" Raffi asked further.

Lala answered that she prefers to wait for the right person and does not set a specific target.

"Just wait for the right person, no specific target, Sir," Lala briefly said.

7. Criteria for Lala's Prospective Husband

Although she doesn't have a specific target, Lala has desired characteristics for her prospective partner. One definite characteristic that Lala desires is someone who accepts her as she is and not only loves her, but also loves her family and the people around her.

"Yes, someone who accepts us as we are and loves us. Not only loves me, but also loves my family and the people around me." Lala explained her criteria.

Well, KLovers, that's the story about Lala, Rafathar's caregiver who has been working for Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina's family for six years.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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