Kapanlagi.com - Pregnancy is indeed one of the most joyful things, especially for celebrities. Even their pregnancies are news that is always eagerly awaited by relatives and fans.
The process of pregnancy is also a very interesting story. And in fact, there are many celebrities who have had quite unique cravings. They are not only craving food, but also craving to do something that is considered funny and anti-mainstream.
Who are the celebrities who have ever had unique cravings during their pregnancies? Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Tya Ariestya

Tya Ariestya (credit: instagram.com/tya_ariestya)
The first celebrity who ever experienced unique cravings is Tya Ariestya. Yup! During her second pregnancy, it turns out Tya Ariestya had a unique request, KLovers. She really wanted to take a photo with Al Ghazali.
That handsome celebrity not only makes women fall in love, but also pregnant women like Tya Ariestya crave to take a photo with him. Although quite unique, Tya Ariestya managed to take a photo with Al Ghazali.
2. Intan Nuraini

Intan Nuraini (credit: instagram.com/intan_nuraini23)
Almost the same as Tya Ariestya, it turns out the beautiful celebrity Intan Nuraini also craves to take a photo with someone, KLovers. Unlike Tya Ariestya, Intan Nuraini wants to take a photo with someone even more difficult.
Yup! Intan Nuraini wants to take a photo with President Jokowi. Although it requires an extraordinary effort, she finally managed to do it.
3. Zaskia Adya Mecca

Zaskia Adya Mecca (credit: instagram.com/zaskiadyamecca)
This may be one of the most unique cravings, carried out by Zaskia Adya Mecca. Not only unique, Zaskia also has funny cravings, KLovers.
It turns out that when she was pregnant with her fourth child, she couldn't stay at her own house. Zaskia would feel nauseous when she was at home, that's why she often stayed outside the house. And decided to swap houses with her younger sibling for 6 months.
4. Deswita Maharani

Deswita Maharani (credit: instagram.com/deswitamaharani80)
Not less unique than Zaskia Adya Mecca, apparently Deswita Maharani is also able to make Ferry Maryadi have difficulty during her pregnancy. Although Deswita's desired food is quite simple, it will be hard to find.
Because Deswita Maharani craves for chicken porridge at 2 am, or other foods at 2 am. Besides that, Deswita Maharani also craves to eat at other people's houses.
5. Aryani Fitriana

Aryani Fitriana (credit: instagram.com/aryanifitriana24)
Next, there's Aryani Fitriana who also has a very unique craving. Married in 2016, a year later she became pregnant with her first child. And during that pregnancy, Aryani Fitriana had a unique request.
Yes, during that pregnancy Aryani Fitriana asked to have dolphins as pets in her house. Clearly, this request would be difficult to fulfill, and it never happened.
6. Sandra Dewi

Sandra Dewi (credit: instagram.com/sandradewi88)
During her pregnancy, Sandra Dewi received a lot of praise from netizens. Because she still looked beautiful, slim, and fresh during her first pregnancy with her son named Raphael Moeis.
In addition to her attractive appearance, Sandra Dewi also had a very unique craving, KLovers. During her pregnancy, Sandra Dewi admitted to craving buying lipstick continuously, which resulted in her having a lot of lipstick during her pregnancy with baby R.
7. Raisa

Raisa (credit: instagram.com/raisa6690)
Singer Raisa also did not escape from unique cravings during pregnancy. The wife of Hamish Daud also had a unique craving during her first pregnancy. In her instastory, Raisa revealed that she craved to play badminton, even though she was already heavily pregnant at that time.
8. Irish Bella

Irish Bella (credit: instagram.com/_irishbella_)
Still happy with the birth of her first child, Irish Bella did surprise the public with some unusual requests during her pregnancy. In her YouTube account with Ammar Zoni, Irish Bella really wanted to be sung the song Kepastian by Aurel Hermansyah.
Furthermore, what's even more amusing is that Irish Bella asked to wax Ammar Zoni's chest hair. Then she also craved to cut her husband's hair and wanted to eat boiled jackfruit seeds.
9. Ayudia Bing Slamet

Ayudia Bing Slamet (credit: instagram.com/ayudiac)
Then there is Ayudia Bing Slamet who also has a unique desire during pregnancy. But this strange desire turns out to be quite beneficial KLovers. Yup! Ayudia enjoys gardening during her pregnancy.
Although this confuses her husband, Ayudia does it well. She does gardening with chili plants because Ayudia says that chili plants are easy to grow and their age is the same as her pregnancy.
10. Zaskia Sungkar

Zaskia Sungkar (credit: instagram.com/zaskiasungkar15)
And the last celebrity with a unique craving is Zaskia Sungkar. After waiting for a long time, Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah finally have a child. In this relatively new pregnancy, it turns out that Zaskia Sungkar already has cravings KLovers, and even her cravings are very unique.
In Irwansyah's Instagram account, he tells a story that they are currently going to Shireen Sungkar's house early in the morning. This is because Zaskia Sungkar is craving to step on the grass at Shireen's house.
Those are 10 celebrities who have unique and funny cravings they experience during pregnancy. Although their desires are unique, this becomes a happy story and experience.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.