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Wearing the Result of Borrowing Son-in-Law's Jersey, 8 Photos of Ummi Pipik on Lesti Kejora's Child's Birthday

Wearing the Result of Borrowing Son-in-Law's Jersey, 8 Photos of Ummi Pipik on Lesti Kejora's Child's Birthday

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Wearing the Result of Borrowing Son-in-Law's Jersey, 8 Photos of Ummi Pipik on Lesti Kejora's Child's Birthday

Pipik Dian Irawati or Ummi Pipik attended the birthday party of Abang L, who is now called Levian, the child of Lesti Kejora & Rizky Billar. Ummi Pipik attended accompanied by Adiba Khanza, her eldest daughter who has just married the football player Egy Maulana Vikri. Speaking of Egy, the son-in-law, Ummi Pipik admits to having a unique story on this occasion. What is it? 


Ummi Pipik wishes a happy birthday to Abang L through her upload caption. This famous preacher also prays for Levian to always be healthy, smart, and become a righteous child. 


As usual, Ummi Pipik appears in closed clothing and a veil. However, Ummi Pipik admitted that she actually looked different that day. How is that possible?


Yes, apparently Ummi Pipik came wearing a football jersey according to the theme of the birthday celebration. However, the jersey was covered by an outer layer so it was not visible. 


The 45-year-old woman also mentioned that the jersey she was wearing was borrowed from her son-in-law, Egy Maulana Vikri. 

Wearing the Result of Borrowing Son-in-Law's Jersey, 8 Photos of Ummi Pipik on Lesti Kejora's Child's Birthday

Meanwhile, Adiba Khanza is wearing a jersey with her husband's name written on it. Adiba & Egy are currently in a long-distance relationship because her husband is abroad to strengthen the Indonesian National Team.

Wearing the Result of Borrowing Son-in-Law's Jersey, 8 Photos of Ummi Pipik on Lesti Kejora's Child's Birthday

During that moment, Ummi Pipik warmly greeted several fellow artists who were also invited.

Wearing the Result of Borrowing Son-in-Law's Jersey, 8 Photos of Ummi Pipik on Lesti Kejora's Child's Birthday

This mother of four also took a photo together with several artists, including fellow preacher, Oki Setiana Dewi.


Lastly, Ummi Pipik also prayed for Lesti Kejora & Rizky Billar to be given patience in raising and educating Abang L.

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