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Wulan Guritno Wears Women's Suit Without Inner, Showing Fierce Cleavage that Receives Pro and Contra

Wulan Guritno Wears Women's Suit Without Inner, Showing Fierce Cleavage that Receives Pro and Contra Wulan Guritno © Santoso - It seems that age doesn't have much influence on Wulan Guritno. Day by day, she still looks beautiful and youthful even though she is now 38 years old.

As seen in Wulan's latest post on her personal Instagram account, @wulanguritno. She appeared with a fierce style, wearing a gray suit and not wearing innerwear underneath.

The low-cut suit reveals Wulan's stomach, as well as her cleavage being visible on camera. With this style, Wulan's youthful and fierce impression is evident.

1. Tuai Pro Kontra

Wulan Guritno's appearance in a suit without innerwear has garnered both support and controversy among netizens. Some support Wulan because of her youthful style at the age of almost 40.

However, there are also those who dislike Wulan's appearance. Many consider Wulan's style to be too revealing and inappropriate because it is displayed on the internet.

2. Wulan Doesn't Respond to Comments

This photo of Wulan has also sparked discussions among gossip accounts on Instagram. However, this film and soap opera star seems relaxed about all the comments directed towards her.

Wulan does not respond to the mean comments written by netizens, both on her personal account and on gossip accounts. She seems indifferent to other people's comments, as stated in the caption she wrote. "Do not cross."


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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