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Yesterday Big Now Straight Like Plywood, Portrait of Farida Nurhan Undergoes Breast Implant Removal Surgery - Admits to Being Fed Up

Yesterday Big Now Straight Like Plywood, Portrait of Farida Nurhan Undergoes Breast Implant Removal Surgery - Admits to Being Fed Up

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Yesterday Big Now Straight Like Plywood, Portrait of Farida Nurhan Undergoes Breast Implant Removal Surgery - Admits to Being Fed Up

Farida Nurhan has just brought news that caught the attention of netizens through her Instagram account. The famous YouTuber who loves mukbang and spicy food apparently underwent breast implant removal surgery. Curious about what her photos look like?

Yesterday Big Now Straight Like Plywood, Portrait of Farida Nurhan Undergoes Breast Implant Removal Surgery - Admits to Being Fed Up

This is a portrait of Farida Nurhan before undergoing breast implant removal surgery. She asks for prayers for the smoothness of her operation.


Taking approximately 3.5 hours, the surgery went smoothly. Farida Nurhan returned to her room and is still under the influence of anesthesia.

Yesterday Big Now Straight Like Plywood, Portrait of Farida Nurhan Undergoes Breast Implant Removal Surgery - Admits to Being Fed Up

At that time, the woman who is familiarly called Omay was seen accompanied by Permesta Dhyaz and her beloved team.

Yesterday Big Now Straight Like Plywood, Portrait of Farida Nurhan Undergoes Breast Implant Removal Surgery - Admits to Being Fed Up

Just like post-operative patients in general, Omay Farida Nurhan also experienced the side effects of anesthesia and made the nurses and people around her laugh.

Yesterday Big Now Straight Like Plywood, Portrait of Farida Nurhan Undergoes Breast Implant Removal Surgery - Admits to Being Fed Up

Not only saying she wants to go home, Omay even asked to be anesthetized again by two nurses next to her.


Although acting silly and speaking unclearly due to the influence of anesthesia, Omay is hungry and asks for food.


She was then fed by one of her team members and enjoyed a rawon dish. Despite still being 'teler', Omay said the rawon was delicious!


After regaining consciousness, Omay greeted his fans and followers. He admitted that he had completely regretted getting implants since 3 years ago. "Omay is really regretful and doesn't want to get them again. I'd rather tell you, rather than you seeing that yesterday it was big but now it's straight again like plywood," said Omay.

Yesterday Big Now Straight Like Plywood, Portrait of Farida Nurhan Undergoes Breast Implant Removal Surgery - Admits to Being Fed Up

Furthermore, Omay, who was still weak, showed his body that had to be fitted with a catheter for several days ahead.


At the end of his video, Omay still managed to joke around and ask for prayers from his fans for a speedy recovery and smooth recovery period.

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