Kapanlagi.com - Age is not a benchmark for building a household ark. Like a row of celebrities, they decided to get married young at the age of 20 or even younger. Although they got married young, their households are considered harmonious and romantic.
A mature decision to get married is considered to require mental readiness. Not only mental readiness, but physical and financial readiness must also be taken into account. However, this does not become an obstacle for celebrities to get married at a young age.
They are determined to take their romantic relationship to a more serious level. Initially, the decision of these celebrities to get married young was questioned by the public regarding their readiness. As if proving that getting married at a young age is not an obstacle, these celebrities have harmonious households. Moreover, the presence of many children further complements their happiness.
Curious about who they are? Let's take a look at some of the reviews below about celebrities who decided to get married young and have harmonious households with many children.
1. Nia Ramadhani

(credit: Instagram.com/ramadhaniabakrie/)
The name Nia Ramadhani became more popular since starring in the soap opera titled BAWANG MERAH BAWANG PUTIH in 2004. Apart from her acting career, Nia Ramadhani decided to marry Anindra Ardiansyah Barkie in 2010.
Nia revealed in a conversation with Ayu Dewi on the MrsAyuDewi YouTube channel that she dated Ardi Bakri for about a year. They eventually decided to get married. At that time, she was still in her teens, precisely 19 years old. Nia Ramadhani had her first child when she was still in her 20s.
Until now, Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie have been blessed with three beautiful and handsome children. Their marriage relationship always appears harmonious and romantic. Moreover, last April, Nia and Ardi just celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. A sweet message and a dinner with family were seen in their personal account post.
2. Dahlia Poland

(credit: Instagram.com/dahliachr/)
Surely still remember the cool acting of Dahlia Poland in the soap opera GANTENG-GANTENG SERIGALA in 2014. A year later, Dahlia Poland decided to get married young in 2015 with Fandy Christian.
They met in one title of FTV and got involved in location love. It didn't take long for Dahlia and Fandy to take their relationship to the marriage level until now. At that time, Dahlia Poland was 18 years old. Although they were considered young, they proved that their married life was harmonious and romantic.
At the age of 5 years of marriage, they have been blessed with two children and are waiting for the birth of their third child. Various portraits of their togetherness are often uploaded through their respective personal accounts.
3. Natasha Rizky

(credit: Instagram.com/natasharizkynew/)
Her role as Princess in the soap opera CINTA CENAT CENUT has successfully brought her name to the entertainment stage of the homeland. Furthermore, Natasha Rizky decided to get married in 2013 to Deddy Mahendra Desta or commonly called Desta.
Getting married at the age of 19, the married life of Natasha and Desta always seems harmonious and far from scandalous news. They have even been blessed with three adorable and cute children, as seen in this picture.
4. Arumi Bachsin

(credit: Instagram.com/arumi_arumi_94/)
Deciding to take a hiatus from the entertainment world, the beautiful celebrity Arumi Bachsin is currently enjoying her role as a supportive wife. As it is known, Arumi Bachsin's husband has been serving as the 5th Deputy Governor of East Java since 2019.
Married in 2013 at the age of 19, Arumi Bachsin and Emil Dardak have been blessed with two children who often show their harmonious portraits. Their married life can be said to be far from scandalous news and has lasted until now.
5. Faby Marcelia

(credit: Instagram.com/fabymarcelia/)
Beautiful celebrity Faby Marcelia is also one of the celebrities who got married at a young age. As it is known, Faby Marcelia decided to bring her love relationship with Revand Narya at the age of 18 in 2013.
Entering their 7th year of marriage, they have been blessed with two cute and adorable children. They prove that their marriage is lasting and always harmonious.
6. Zaskia Adya Mecca

(credit: Instagram.com/zaskiadyamecca/)
Getting married at the age of 22, Zaskia Adya Mecca proves that her marriage bond is very harmonious until now. Zaskia Adya Mecca and Hanung Bramantyo have even been blessed with 4 children and are waiting for the birth of their fifth child.
After ten years of building a household, this celebrity couple is always united in every moment. Various activities are often uploaded on their respective personal accounts, such as in this portrait.
7. Mikaila Patritz

(credit: Instagram.com/mikailapatritz/)
This beautiful mixed-race celebrity also decided to get married young to Muhammad Fardhan when she was only 19 years old. At the age of 6 years of marriage, Mikaila Patritz's married life is still going strong until now. They have been blessed with a handsome child named Muhammad Arupalaka Caliefah Darmawan Khan.
8. Shireen Sungkar

(credit: Instagram.com/shireensungkar/)
Involved in a location-based love with Teuku Wisnu, Shireen Sungkar decided to get married in 2013. Their married life is far from scandalous and always harmonious. The presence of three children in their family adds to their happiness.
So those are 8 celebrities who decided to get married young and have a romantic and harmonious family with many children. Always united, KLovers?
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