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Zaskia Adya Mecca's Action Holds Study Session for the Visually Impaired and Helps Establish Flood Relief Post in Bekasi

Zaskia Adya Mecca's Action Holds Study Session for the Visually Impaired and Helps Establish Flood Relief Post in Bekasi Zaskia Adya Mecca's Action Holds Study Session for the Visually Impaired (credit: instagram/zaskiadyamecca) -

Actress Zaskia Adya Mecca once again shows her concern for others. On March 4, 2025, she held a routine study session for the visually impaired, which has been initiated by her friend, Indadari. Not only that, her social action continued with the establishment of an emergency post for flood victims in Bekasi.

She shared this moment through a post on her personal Instagram, @zaskiadyamecca, on March 5, 2025. In her post, Zaskia recounts how she initially only intended to attend the study session for the visually impaired. However, seeing the worsening flood conditions, she and Indadari decided to go directly to the affected area and open a relief post.

“We know our assistance is minimal compared to the severity of the disaster that our brothers and sisters are experiencing in the early hours of Ramadan, but at least our presence provides them with energy that we are here and, insyaa Allah, ready to help,” wrote Zaskia in her post.

1. Monthly Study for the Visually Impaired

Initially, Zaskia and Indadari had planned to attend a regular study held specifically for the visually impaired. This activity is an initiative by Indadari that has been running periodically.

Since the beginning of Ramadan, they have been discussing the right location to hold the study and provide assistance to those in need. This study has become one of their main agendas before they eventually switch to other humanitarian actions.

2. Hearing News of Floods, Plans Change

On the morning before departure, Zaskia saw news about floods affecting several areas, including Bekasi. She immediately contacted Indadari to discuss the possibility of expanding their action to the affected locations.

"It turns out we had the same thought," Zaskia revealed in her post. They then took the initiative to not only attend the study but also to move quickly to help the flood victims.

3. Fundraising and Unexpected Donations

With the initial funds prepared for the visually impaired and residents living under the bridge, Zaskia created a donation link through the Kitabisa platform. She also invited her followers to participate in this social action.

Shortly after that, an anonymous donor suddenly transferred a large amount of money to be distributed to flood victims. �God moved the heart of someone who does not want to be named to suddenly transfer a very large amount,� Zaskia wrote with deep emotion.

4. Establishing a Flood Post in Villa Nusa Indah

Upon arriving at the flood-affected location in Villa Nusa Indah, Zaskia and her team found that no aid posts had been established. They immediately coordinated with the relevant parties to set up an emergency post.

At the site, they also met with TNI personnel who had brought trucks and rubber boats. �We are synergizing with the soldiers,� said Zaskia. One of the main needs requested by the residents at that time was drinking water, considering that the electricity had been out since dawn and the flood reached a height of three meters.

5. Distribution of Aid and Next Action Plan

As the water began to recede in the afternoon, Zaskia's team started distributing food, candles, drinking water, and cleaning supplies to the small alleys that were affected. They drove around to ensure that aid reached the hands of those in need.

Zaskia also expressed that her team would return to several flood points to continue this humanitarian action. She thanked everyone who participated in the efforts to help the victims. �God knows every role you play, no matter how small,� she wrote.

6. What did Zaskia Adya Mecca do in her social action in Bekasi?

Zaskia Adya Mecca organized a study for visually impaired citizens, then decided to establish a flood post and distribute aid to the affected victims.

7. How did Zaskia raise funds for flood victim assistance?

She created a donation link through Kitabisa and invited the community to donate, until finally there was a donor who made a large contribution.

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Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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