The Excitement of Rara LIDA at the 4th Ralova Anniversary Party
Video KLY
Jessica Iskandar's Birthday Party, is the Baby Bump Getting Bigger??
Jessica Iskandar is happy. She just celebrated her 34th birthday. Check out the full video here, KLovers.
Hosting a Seven-Month Event, Singer Nabilla Gomes Admits to Being Nervous about Giving Birth
Before giving birth, Nabila Gomes does not deny that she is very anxious. What makes her feel like that? Find out more here, KLovers.
Nikita Mirzani Reveals Her Relationship with Wijin
Recently, Nikita uploaded a moment together with Wijin. Netizens are wondering if they are in a special relationship. Nikita finally speaks up!
Not Much Drama, Rich Aunt Fuji Donates 100 Million for Gala's House
Fuji proves that she is a rich aunty for Gala Sky!
Fuji and Thariq Halilintar Officially Dating, Netizens: So Cute!
Netizens are also excited about the couple Fuji and Thariq Halilintar!
Tissa Biani Portrays the Kind-hearted Fairy in the Series Oki & Nirmala
Tissa Biani will portray the iconic kind-hearted fairy character, Nirmala!
Her Daughter Passed Away, Nurul Arifin: Family is Number 1
There is a quote that slaps Nurul Arifin after the death of her eldest daughter, Maura Magnalia. There is no such thing as too late, Nurul wants to start everything over.
Jerinx Shows Initials AD Photo Allegedly Insulting the President
Jerinx seeks justice for his case with Adam Deni. He presents a photo as evidence that the initials AD allegedly insulted President Joko Widodo's photo. Who is the AD referred to?
Maura Magnalia Passed Away, Nurul Arifin Gazed at the Body Next to the Coffin
As if in disbelief, Nurul continued to gaze at her daughter lying stiff in the coffin. Maura passed away at the age of 27 years and 5 months.
Aliando Syarief Announces Suffering from OCD Mental Disorder
Aliando Syarief is struggling against the OCD mental disorder he has.
Married to a Doctor, Melanie Putria Will Invite Her Ex-Husband
Melanie Putria admits that she will invite her ex-husband to her upcoming wedding in February 2022.
Rizki DA Has No Plans to Remarry Yet, Still Content Being Single??
After divorcing Nadya Mustika, Rizki DA is still content being single. So, does Rizki have no plans to get married again? Find out the full reasons in the following video, KLovers.