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8 Portraits of Difarina Indra's New House, Modern Minimalist Concept - Very Comfortable

8 Portraits of Difarina Indra's New House, Modern Minimalist Concept - Very Comfortable

Celebrity Activities

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8 Portraits of Difarina Indra's New House, Modern Minimalist Concept - Very Comfortable

The dangdut singer Difarina Indra is now rising to fame as one of the performers with many fans. Together with OM Adella, this 26-year-old woman has reached the peak of her popularity with millions of views on YouTube. Recently, the portraits of Difarina's newly purchased house, earned from her hard work over the years, have surfaced. What is it like?


This is the front view of Difarina Indra's new house. This house is located in Tuban, East Java. It features a garage that can accommodate two cars next to a garden for relaxing in the middle.


The living room of this house is quite small but very artistic. The addition of mirror ornaments makes this living room look luxurious.


From the living room, a large analog clock can be seen, which also serves as a wall decoration. 


Shifting from the living room, there is a family room. The comfortable sofa, air conditioning, and large monitor screen make it even more cozy.


This is a portrait of the kitchen in Difarina's new home. This house is known to have been occupied in the year 2025. 


Moving from the kitchen, there is a minimalist bathroom. It turns out that this bathroom is the main bathroom used by Difarina. 


There is a dining table located between the bathroom wall and the kitchen. Difarina herself admitted that her house was built with a modern minimalist concept, meaning small but still looks luxurious and artistic. 


For those wondering where Difarina's costume goes after being worn for performances or video shoots, your question has been answered. This is the space created as storage for Difarina's costumes. 

6 Photos of Ayana Moon Visiting Istiqlal Mosque and Meeting the Minister of Religion, Gifting a Quran - Expressing Gratitude

6 Photos of Ayana Moon Visiting Istiqlal Mosque and Meeting the Minister of Religion, Gifting a Quran - Expressing Gratitude

On a blessed night of Ramadan, Ayana Moon visited Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta. Specially, this South Korean influencer also met with the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Nasaruddin Umar. Here are the photos, KLovers.

6 Photos of Ayana Moon Visiting Istiqlal Mosque and Meeting the Minister of Religion, Gifting a Quran - Expressing Gratitude