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9 Photos of Eko Patrio as Witness to Syifa, Ayu Ting Ting's Sister's Wedding, Praying for Her Sister to Marry Ivan Gunawan Soon

9 Photos of Eko Patrio as Witness to Syifa, Ayu Ting Ting's Sister's Wedding, Praying for Her Sister to Marry Ivan Gunawan Soon Eko Patrio as a witness to Syifa, Ayu Ting Ting's sister's wedding © - Happiness is currently being felt by Ayu Ting Ting's family. Her sister, Asyifa Nuraini, just had her wedding ceremony with Nanda Fachrizal on Sunday (20/2/2022). Interestingly, in this wedding, Ayu Ting Ting personally asked Eko Patrio to be a witness at her sister's wedding. 

What was Eko's moment like when witnessing Syifa and Nanda's wedding? Check it out here!

1. Eko Patrio came together with his beloved wife, Viona. Both of them looked so handsome and graceful.

2. Arriving early enough, Eko Patrio apparently was appointed as a witness to Syifa and Nanda's wedding ceremony.

3. Receiving a mandate from Ayu Ting Ting's family, Eko Patrio feels very grateful for being trusted.

4. After saying the sacred words, Eko Patrio felt very relieved and happy.

5. Interestingly, Eko himself was previously asked by Ayu Ting Ting to be a witness at her wedding.

6. However, that has not happened yet because Ayu Ting Ting has still not found her soulmate until now.

7. Interestingly, Eko Patrio also prayed for Ayu Ting Ting and Ivan Gunawan to soon follow their younger sibling to the wedding.

8. Immediately, Eko's post made many netizens also pray for them to really get married.

9. As it is known, Ayu Ting Ting and Ivan Gunawan have long been rumored to be in a romantic relationship. And reportedly, they will get married in 2023. Please pray, KLovers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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